
  • 网络ETT;Evacuated Tube Transport
  1. 真空管道运输系统的建设与应用,将给真空产业创造巨大的市场空间,是真空产业、真空科学与技术发展的新机遇。

    The application of ETT will create a tremendous market for vacuum industry . Anyway , ETT is a new opportunity for vacuum industry .

  2. 真空技术、设备和配件是真空管道运输系统必不可少的组成部分,而且在整个系统中占很大比重。

    Vacuum technologies , equipment and fittings are absolutely necessary for their costs to amount to and for a large proportion in the total cost of the whole ETT system .

  3. 真空管道运输&真空产业发展的新机遇

    Evacuated tube transportation ( ETT ) & a new opportunity for vacuum industry

  4. 真空管道运输安全问题成因分析

    On the Safety of Evacuated Tube Transportation

  5. 这种磁悬浮车辆适合放置于管道中,再把管道中抽成一定真空,由于同时消除机械摩擦和空气阻力,其运行速度能比飞机快许多倍,此即真空管道运输系统。

    Maglev is very suitable for being put into the tube that will be evacuated , namely vacuum tube . Because both mechanical friction and air resistance are eliminated , the vehicle in such kind of evacuated tube could run much faster than airplane .