
  1. 为了提升在校大学生工程化实践能力,促进大学生的能力结构与社会需求的紧密契合,公司开发完成了这套软件实训平台。

    In order to enhance the practical engineering ability of college students , and get students ' ability structure to closely fit social needs , the company completed the development of the software training platform .

  2. 可注射性材料藻酸钠体外培养幼猪关节软骨细胞及形成组织工程化软骨的能力

    In vitro culture of young swine chondrocytes in alginate gels to construct tissue-engineered cartilage

  3. 目的探讨以壳聚糖-胶原共混膜为三维支架材料的同种异体软骨细胞构建组织工程化软骨的能力。

    Objective To study the establishing of tissue engineering cartilage with chitosan-collagen scaffold as three-dimensional scaffold seeded with allogenic chondrocytes .