
  • 网络Project risk management;engineering project risk management
  1. 基于多Agent技术的工程项目风险管理系统构架

    A multi-agent based system framework for construction project risk management

  2. 我国工程项目风险管理进展研究

    Study on The Advance of Project Risk Management in China

  3. 城市轨道交通BT工程项目风险管理研究

    The Research for Risk Management of Urban Rail-Transit Project in BT Model

  4. EPC模式下通信建设工程项目风险管理研究

    Risk Management Research of Communications Construction Project under EPC Mode

  5. 通信工程项目风险管理实施方案研究

    The Research on Risk Management Implementation Plan of Communication Engineering Project

  6. 中建总公司海外工程项目风险管理研究

    Risk Management of China State Construction Engineering Corporation 's Overseas Project

  7. 基于熵度量法的基坑工程项目风险管理研究

    Risk Management Research on Entropy Measurement of Foundation Pit Engineering Project

  8. 建设工程项目风险管理研究与实践

    The Research and Practice of Risk Management on Construction Engineering

  9. 伟东新都工程项目风险管理研究

    A Study on the Project Risk Management of Wei-Dong-Xin-Du

  10. 工程项目风险管理在桥梁施工中的应用研究

    The Research of Risk Management in the Bridge Construction

  11. 进一步,很多配电工程项目风险管理研究有明显偏颇之处。

    Further , many distribution project risk management study of the obviously biased .

  12. 潍坊白浪河地下通道工程项目风险管理研究

    Weifang · Bailang River Underground Project Risk Management Research

  13. 灰色系统理论用于水电工程项目风险管理的研究

    Study of Grey System Theory Applied to Risk Management for Hydropower Engineering Project

  14. 基于软系统方法的工程项目风险管理规划

    Project Risk Management Planning Based on Soft System Methodology

  15. 故障树法引入工程项目风险管理研究

    Application of Fault Tree Analyzing Method to Risk Management of a Construction Project

  16. 工程项目风险管理及预警研究

    Study on Engineering Project Risk Management and Precaution

  17. 目前,我国工程项目风险管理方兴未艾。

    At present , the project risk management of China is in the ascendant .

  18. 高等学校工程项目风险管理

    Project Risk Management in Institution of Higher Learning

  19. 山东建行视频监控联网工程项目风险管理研究

    Research on Engineering Project Risk Management of Shandong Construction Bank Video Frequency Monitoring Networking

  20. 青岛国际会展中心三期工程项目风险管理研究

    Study on Risk Management of the Third-phase Project of Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Center

  21. 上海港外高桥六期工程项目风险管理探讨

    A Discuss on Risk Control of the Waigaoqiao Project ( Phase 6 ) of the Shanghai Port

  22. 第3章工程项目风险管理的理论基础。

    Project risk management theories .

  23. 工程项目风险管理是分阶段和全过程的项目控制管理。

    The risk management of engineering projects is the whole process project control and management by stages .

  24. 引入植物基因工程项目风险管理最优化控制和总体风险控制机制。

    Lead the best control of the plant-gene engineering project risk management and the whole risk control mechanism .

  25. 工程项目风险管理是分阶段和全过程的项目控制管理,也是一种动态的管理。

    The risk management of the project is the control and management of the whole project by stages and also dynamic management .

  26. 本文的风险分析过程和提出的一些观点,对钢铁类工程项目风险管理,具有有一定的指导和参考意义。

    The study here may have some directing and referring functions for managing the investment risks of iron & steel construction projects in the future .

  27. 本文着重于探索灰色系统理论在水电工程项目风险管理领域的初步应用。

    In this thesis , most chapters are devoted to the elementary research on the application of grey system theory in hydropower project risk management .

  28. 首先对火电工程项目风险管理理论进行阐述分析,然后利用风险识别技术对火电工程项目各个阶段的风险进行识别。

    First elaborated analysis thermal power project risk management theory , then use technology to identify the risk of thermal power projects in various stages .

  29. 其次,对工程项目风险管理的主要过程&风险识别、风险分析与评估、风险控制与决策分别进行了阐述。

    Secondly , it is discussed particularly the main process of engineering project risk management-risk identification , risk analysis and assessment , risk control and decision .

  30. 最后形成一种全面认识和解决项目所面临的风险的规范的方法,对实际的建筑工程项目风险管理有指导作用。

    Finally , canonical method that can identify and solve risks will be formed and will be guidance for the practical risk management of construction engineering project .