
ɡōnɡ chénɡ chénɡ bāo hé tónɡ
  • Engineering contract;contract for undertaking a construction project
  1. 石油施工企业工程承包合同风险及防范措施

    Risks and Precaution Measures of Engineering Contract for Petroleum Construction Enterprises

  2. 国际工程承包合同签订阶段的风险

    The Risk of Contract for International Engineering in Signing Stage

  3. 施工企业工程承包合同管理诌议

    The tentative discussion about the contract management of construction enterprises

  4. 国际工程承包合同签订和谈判应注意的问题

    Some Points to Ponder about Negotiation and Signing of International Project Contracts

  5. 工程承包合同中优先受偿权问题浅析

    On the Payment in Priority in the Construction Engineering Contract

  6. 建设工程承包合同纠纷的解决途径

    Ways of solving dispute for the contract of construction engineering

  7. 汤:这是我的建筑工程承包合同。

    T : Ok . here is our construction contract .

  8. 国际工程承包合同法律问题研究

    A Study on Legal Issues in International Project Contracts

  9. 建设工程承包合同需合法有效,非因建设工程合同承包关系所产生的债权不能成立优先受偿权。

    The construction contract must be legal and valid .

  10. 建设工程承包合同专项管理制度的建立

    Establishing special management system for contract of construction project

  11. 针对国际工程承包合同签订阶段的风险进行分析。

    The risk of contract for international engineering in signing stage is analyzed .

  12. 土木建筑工程承包合同建筑及土木工程承建商

    Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction building and civil engineering construction contractor

  13. 施工索赔是施工单位在工程承包合同管理工作中的一项重要内容。

    Construction claim is an important part in engineering contract management for construction company .

  14. 简论建筑工程承包合同的成立要件

    On the essential elements of establishment for civil engineering contract for undertaking a project

  15. 国际工程承包合同类型分析

    Analyses of Contract Types in International Projects

  16. 建设工程承包合同计价方式选择的探讨

    Discussion on pricing method of construction contract

  17. 土木建筑工程承包合同

    Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction

  18. 工程承包合同结构的选择

    Choosing of contract structure in contract

  19. 浅谈承包商签订工程承包合同应注意的条款细节

    Elementary Discussion on Provision Details Having to Be Paid Attention to Engineering Contract Signed by Contractor

  20. 工程承包合同的索赔管理

    Claim Management for Engineering Contract

  21. 工程承包合同的获取和管理是施工企业生存和发展的关键。

    Attainment and management of engineering contract is the key to survive and development for construction enterprises .

  22. 国际工程承包合同中调价公式的应用读细读国际工程标书对承包国际工程的作用

    Application of Price Adjustment Formulae in International Engineering Contracts The Importance of Closely Reading International Project Tenders

  23. 因此工程承包合同的谈判,预算的核对谈判,是企业取得理想经济效益的关键一环。

    Therefore engineering contract negotiations , budget negotiations check is made good business a key element in economic benefits .

  24. 第一章:简要介绍了国际工程承包合同的种类和目前国际上比较流行的标准合同范本。

    Chapter 1 : The author introduces briefly the forms of contract and the most popular contract form in international construction .

  25. 对建设工程承包合同垫资承包的法律认识建设工程合同索赔成因及承包商对策

    On lawful cognition of contracting with funds in architectural engineering Study on Causes of Construction Contract Claims and Contractor 's Countermeasures

  26. 截至2008年底,双方工程承包合同累计接近1000亿美元。

    By the end of2008 , the total value of contracted projects between the two sides had approached US $ 100 billion .

  27. 对于工程承包合同双方而言,施工阶段需要良好的合同实践和项目管理。

    It is a cornerstone for the contracting parties to undertake good contracting practices and well-defined project management exercises during the construction process .

  28. 对常用的国际工程承包合同进行对比分类,分析了不同合同的基本特点及其应用范围。

    This paper compares and classifies the normal contracts in the international projects and analyzes the basic characteristics and application range of different contracts .

  29. 最后是语篇层面的分析,重点主要放在国际工程承包合同所使用的语篇衔接手段。

    Then followed by the analysis on textual level in which much attention is paid to the cohesive devices used in the contract for international engineering projects .

  30. 结合订立合同应当遵循的基本原则,论述了认定建筑工程承包合同是否成立应从以下几个要件着手,即:建筑工程承包合同主体是否合格;

    According to the basic principles for entering into a contract , this article illustrates the essential elements for establishment for civil engineering contract for undertaking a project .