
  • 网络universal mill;universal rolling mill
  1. 最好采用四辊万能轧机或采用凸透镜形状的连铸结晶器,以避免带液芯连轧时出现凹陷变形带。

    The universal rolling mill and convex mould should be used for decreasing the influence of dishing deformation band .

  2. 油气润滑在H型钢厂万能轧机轧辊轴承上的应用

    Application of Oil-air Lubrication on the Roll Bearings of Universal Rolling Mill

  3. 万能轧机轧制H型材变形分析

    On the deformation of H beams rolled by universal mills

  4. 一种新型H型钢万能轧机结构的探讨

    An approach to the construction of a new universal h & section mill

  5. 因此,很难用轧制H型钢的万能轧机轧制钢板桩。

    So , it is very difficult to roll it on the universal mills for H-beams .

  6. ПW万能轧机的结构特点及其应用前景

    Structural features and application prospect of NW universal mill

  7. 本文对可逆万能轧机轧制H型钢的孔型进行了优化设计。

    The optimum roll pass design for rolling H-beam on reversible universal pass-edger millis described in this paper .

  8. 介绍了长钢热轧H型钢生产线万能轧机导卫系统的装配形式和设计原则。

    The type of assemblage , design principle of the guide system for universal mill of hot rolling H-beam of Changzhi Iron and steel Co.

  9. 本文根据异型钢轧制变形理论,分析了在万能轧机上四辊孔型中轧制H型材时轧件的变形。

    Guided by the theoretical csnsideratisns in rolling shape steels , the authors make a study on the deformation of the workpiece undergoing rolling through a four-high pass in a universal mill .

  10. 论述了世界上轧制H型钢在产品开发、万能轧机、工艺布置、轧制方法和计算机自动控制应用等各个方面所取得的巨大进步。

    This paper describes the great progress of hot rolled H beam production worldwide in aspects of product development , universal mill design , process layout , rolling method and automatic computer control application etc. .

  11. 简易万能轧机立辊的安装与调整

    Installation and adjustment of vertical roll in simple universal mill

  12. 万能轧机轴承座轴向振荡原因分析

    The Analysis of Axial Vibration Cases for Bearing on The Universal Mill

  13. 万能轧机热装镶套水平轧辊辊环应力分析

    Stress analysis of roll ring in H beam mill

  14. 万能轧机机组自动换辊系统的改造

    Improvement on automatic roll changing system of universal mill

  15. 万能轧机机组速度张力控制系统

    The speed and tension control system for universal mill

  16. 万能轧机轧制钢板桩的开发

    Development of sheet pile rolling on the universal mill

  17. 万能轧机轧辊的轴向固定与调整

    Axial roll fixation and regulation in universal rolling mill

  18. 万能轧机导卫系统浅析

    Analysis of the guide system for universal mill

  19. 万能轧机自动位置控制系统

    Automatic position control system for universal mill

  20. 为了改善这一缺点,作者成功地开发了用万能轧机轧制钢板桩。

    To improve this disadvantage , the author succeeded to develop to roll sheet - pile with universal stands .

  21. 本文介绍了速度及张力控制系统在鞍山市轧钢厂万能轧机轧制线上的应用。

    This paper presents the application of speed and tension control system in the line of universal mill of Anshan Rolling Steel Plant .

  22. 介绍了某厂从国外引进的一套万能轧机上配有先进的灵活的轧辊轴向调整机构,很好地解决了轧钢过程中轧辊固定与调整的问题。

    The article introduces an advanced and flexible axial roll fixing and regulating device on an imported universal mill , by which the problem with the axial roll fixation and regulation can be solved .

  23. 本文介绍鞍山市轧钢厂新建万能轧机自动位置控制系统,在该系统中由于采用了先进的硬件和软件设计技术,实现了快速、准确的位置控制。

    This paper presents an automatic position control system applied in a new universal mill of Anshan Rolling Steel Plant . It realized rapid and accurate position control from advanced hardware and software technique .

  24. 万能铝箔轧机液压厚度自动控制系统控制模式及其选择

    The Operating Modes of Universal Aluminum Foil Rolling Mill AGC System and Their Application

  25. 万能钢梁轧机立轧辊轴与轴承座孔接触应力分析

    Analysis of Contact Stress between Vertical Roller Shaft and Hole of Vertical Roller Chock in Universal Mill

  26. 大型材轧机的生产能力不足,必须建设新的万能型钢轧机和择优改造650轧机以配套生产大、中、小H型钢。

    The large-section mills are unsufficient in capacity So the construction of new universal section mills and renovation of some selected 650 mills will be necessary to help form a complete chain for the production of large , medium and small H-section steels .

  27. 对Φ1150万能板坯初轧机的轧辊磨损进行了研究。

    The roll wear of 1150 universal slabbing mill is studied .

  28. 初轧-轧坯联合轧机二辊式万能板坯初轧机

    Combination blooming billet mil 2-Hi universal type slabbing mill

  29. 万能型钢轧机轧制规程优化设计

    Optimized Pass Design to Universal H-Beam Rolling Mill

  30. 万能型钢轧机调零方案的改进

    Zeroing sequence control of the universal section mill