
ɡōnɡ mào
  • 工业和贸易industry and commerce
  1. 这是工贸大臣明确指出要关闭的31个矿井之一。

    The pit was one of the 31 earmarked for closure by the Trade and Industry Secretary .

  2. 最后,以浙江K汽车工贸集团为例,提出针对具体汽车贸易集团对象的资源整合思路和策略,为具体企业资源整合及战略服务。

    Finally , take Zhejiang K automobile group as an example , the author suggest thoughts and strategy for its resource integration .

  3. BR是一个工贸结合的中小型化工企业。

    BR is a small and medium-sized chemical enterprise , which combine with production and trade .

  4. 雅式展览服务有限公司(简称AES)是雅式集团专责展览业务的公司,也是亚太地区工贸展览会的主要主办单位。

    Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd ( AES ), the exhibition arm of the Adsale Group , is a major trade fair organizer in the Asia-Pacific region .

  5. 本文以邯钢工贸公司物流管理信息系统为背景,对基于J2EE技术的企业应用系统的安全进行了研究。

    The security of the enterprise application system based on J2EE technology is studied in this paper which is based on the background of logistics management information system in Handan steel trading company .

  6. 英国财政部宣布,中国新疆华凌工贸集团(HualingIndustryandTradeGroup)已同意投入资金“启动曼彻斯特、利兹和谢菲尔德的3个大型房地产项目,项目总价值为12亿英镑”。

    The Treasury announced that a group based in Xinjiang , the Hualing Industry and Trade Group , had agreed to invest money " to unlock three major property projects in Manchester , Leeds and Sheffield with a gross value of 1.2bn . "

  7. 论文通过工贸型出口企业的SWOT分析和运营模式分析,研究企业内部存在的风险,提出提升企业内部管理水平和风险把控能力的建议。

    Based on export enterprises studies through the Trade and Industry SWOT analysis and business model analysis , the thesis researched enterprise risks , proposed to enhance internal management and risk control capability to the proposal .

  8. 最后以北京马尔思工贸有限公司ERP的实施及与CRM整合的案例进一步深化了客户关系管理与企业资源计划整合的研究,对商务整合的实现步骤及实现过程进行详细探讨。

    The paper researches the integrating CRM and ERP of Beijing Mars Trade and Industry Ltd. as an example to study the integrating the CRM with the ERP further , step to achieve the integration of business processes and achieve detailed discussion .

  9. 工贸结合是发展对外贸易的重要途径

    Combining Industry with Trade Is an Important Means of Developing Foreign Trade

  10. 我公司是一家汽车工贸公司。

    Our company is an automobile industry and trade company .

  11. 本公司是集工贸于一体的综合性公司。

    The company is an integrated set of industry and trade company .

  12. 浙江工贸职业技术学院04级新生心理健康调查报告

    A Psychological Research Report about Freshmen in Zhejiang Industry & Trade Polytechnic

  13. 是一家集生产和销售一体化的工贸性公司。

    Is a production and marketing company , industry and trade integration .

  14. 工科类高职教育的实践感悟&浙江工贸职业技术学院办学个案的研究与启示

    The Inspiration of Engineering Course Education in Vocational College

  15. 万兴工贸园管理委员会是园区行政管理机构。

    The Administration Committee of wxitp is the administrative organization of the park .

  16. 商业存在(服务贸易)同工贸协会的协商会议

    Commercial presence Consultative Meeting with Industry / Trade Associations

  17. 工贸联合开拓国际市场问题的研究

    Study of the Industrial Foreign Trade Alliance in Opening up the International Market

  18. 我司是一家工贸结合的贸易公司。

    I was the Secretary for Trade and Industry combination of a trading company .

  19. 安庆市中加工贸有限公司是集生产、贸易为一体的股份制公司。

    We are a manufacturing and trading company which specializes in fiberglass materials and tools .

  20. 工贸一体化的外向型企业。主要经营医疗器械,办公家具,建材和纺织。

    Production and sales of medical devices , office furniture , ceramic tiles and textiles .

  21. 青岛永嘉盛工贸有限公司,是从事生产加工经营铅板为主的企业。

    Company : Qingdao Yongjiasheng Industry & Trading is engaged in design and manufacture lead plate .

  22. 青岛工贸中心仓库柱吊装消除温差影响的施工

    Construction to Remove Temperature Difference Influence in Lifting of Columns of Qingdao Industry and Commerce Center Warehouse

  23. 上海史坦第工贸有限公司创办于1995年,是一家专业生产抛光磨具的厂家。

    On the first · was founded in1995 , is a professional manufacturer of abrasive polishing factories .

  24. 农工贸一体化是当前区域经济发展中所采取的先进产业模式。

    The integration of agriculture , industry and commerce is the advanced mode in regional economical development .

  25. 工贸合营无锡市箱板纸厂

    Wuxi Box Board Paper Mill

  26. 5年中期发展目标是发展成为中国脂油化学行业的领导者;提出实施工贸结合的专业化、纵向一体化和国际化的战略设想。

    And it suggests adopting the strategy of specialization with trade and production , straight integration and internationalization .

  27. 公司是集设计,研发,生产,销售,服务为一体的工贸型企业。

    Is the set design , development , production , sale and service of industry and trade-oriented enterprises .

  28. 上海恒豫是一家工贸结合的专门从事印刷版材研究和生产的综合性公司。

    Shanghai Heng-yu is a manufacturing and trading company that specialized in research and production of printing materials .

  29. 试论体育文化与高职教育的互动整合&以浙江工贸职业技术学院为例

    A Discussion on Reconstruction of Sport Culture and Higher Vocational Education Take Zhejiang Industry Trade Polytechnic for a Example

  30. 公司成立于1997年,原名“益阳旭欣工贸有限责任公司”。

    Our company was established in1997 , using the name of " Yiyang Xuxin Garment Co. , Ltd. " .