
  • 网络forging technology;stamping technology;Forging & Stamping Technology;Forging and Stamping Technology
  1. 锻压技术的发展及其在新材料加工中的应用

    Development and Application of Forging Technology in Processing of the New Materials

  2. 航空工业中的锻压技术及其发展

    Forging Technology and Its Developing in Aeronautical Industry

  3. 基于Web的锻压技术查询系统的开发

    The Development of WWW-based Query System of Metal Forming Technology

  4. 利用连续锻压技术改善连铸坯中心偏析

    Improvement of centerline segregation in continuously cast strand by continuous forging process

  5. 航空锻压技术现状及其发展之思考

    Present Status and Development Trend of Forging and Pressing Technique in Aviation Industry

  6. 本文论述了锻压技术在航空工业中的重要作用及其发展;

    In this paper , important role and developing of forging technology in aeronautical indus-try are discussed .

  7. 大型模锻件和模锻液压机与航空锻压技术圆筒件冷拉深成形工艺分析及数值模拟

    Development of Large Single-piece Forgings and Heavy Forging Presses in Aerospace Forging Industry Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the Cool-extrusion Process of a Cylinder Part

  8. 用户利用该系统可以及时地得到最新的锻压技术信息,缩短产品研制周期,降低成本,提高产品的市场竞争力。

    In the system , users can access up-to-date technical information of metal forming , and decrease lead time and cost of products , and enhance competitive power in market of products .

  9. 锻压技术作为一种高效、优质、低消耗的精密成形技术,在金属材料的塑性成形领域中得到迅速发展并在生产中得到广泛应用。

    Forging technology which is a high efficiency , high quality , low consumption and close formation technology has rapidly developed in the field of metal formation and widely applied in the production .

  10. 本文介绍捷克在锻压技术方面的发展情况,主要叙述科研机构与研究开发的业务范围、生产厂家与生产的主要设备以及今后的发展目标。

    In this article author introduces the development of forging teh-nology in czechoslovakia , States mainly the scientific research organizations and the scope of their business , producers and the main equipments in works as well as the developnent objectives in future .

  11. 为适应民机研制需求,建议应从加强质量管理和锻压技术改造两方面着手加速我国航空锻压技术的发展。

    Finally , author proposes that both quality control and reform of forging technology , including forging equipment and method of forging process , must be strengthened for accelerating development of aeronautical forging technology to suit to the requirements of commercial aircraft development in China .

  12. 从曲轴毛坯的铸造技术、锻压技术、机械加工技术、热处理和表面强化技术等几个方面,综合论述了国内外内燃机曲轴制造技术现状及发展趋势。

    The paper discusses comprehensively the present condition and the developing trend of the technology to manufacture the bent axle in internal-combustion engine at home and abroad from the following aspects : the technology of forging , casting , mechanical working , heat treatment and surface strengthening .

  13. 锻压设备技术经济指标评价的模糊数学方法

    Fuzzy evaluation method of technical and economical indexes for metal forming machines

  14. 上海锻压生产技术及设备的进步

    Progress of forging and stamping technique and equipments in Shanghai

  15. 浅议锻压加工技术的发展

    Comment on the development of forge process technology