
  • 网络material processing engineering;Materials Process Engineering
  1. 综述CFD的发展现状、在材料加工工程领域中的应用以及CFD应用软件的现状。

    The development , application to material processing engineering and commercial software of CFD is summarizing .

  2. 计算流体动力学(CFD)方法实现了计算试验,在材料加工工程领域应用日益广泛,是材料加工工程研究人员分析问题和解决问题的有力工具。

    CFD is important means to realize computational experiment , so its application to material processing engineering has been attracted wide attention . CFD provides the tool to analyze problem and to solve problem for technician of environmental engineering .

  3. 基于移动互联网的材料加工工程搜索系统

    Application of Search System to Materials Processing Technology on Mobile Internet

  4. 用超硬材料刀具加工工程陶瓷

    The Application of Synthetic Superhard Material Cutting Tool in Machining Engineering Ceramics

  5. 外场对高分子体系作用影响的研究近年来已成为高分子材料成型加工工程、高分子物理、高分子化学等学科领域中的一个热点。

    The investigation of the effect of the external field on the polymer system has already become a hot point in polymer processing engineering , high polymer physics and high polymer chemistry , etc.

  6. 材料加工·制造工程·冷压成形

    Material Process · Manufacturing Engineering · Cold Pressure Forming

  7. 本文涉及材料加工和控制工程两个主要领域,对低电压电磁成形机的研制,及基于现代控制理论与计算机技术的电磁成形机控制系统的研究进行了详细阐述。

    This paper , based upon two technical fields-material engineering and control engineering proceeds to study the development of Low-voltage Electromagnetic Forming Machine and its control system with using modern control theory and computer technology .

  8. 内容包括动力与催化、材料与界面、加工工程与设计、分离技术等。

    The content includes power and catalytic , material and interface , processing engineering and design , separation technology , etc.

  9. 拉深效果受纤维组织取向的影响非常明显,正确认识和利用材料的纤维方向,是材料加工工程需要研究的重要问题之一。

    Deep drawing by fibrous tissue orientation effect colloids , correct understanding and using the material fiber direction , is material processing engineering need to study the one of important issues .