
  • 网络Material corrosion;material erosion
  1. 重庆大气酸沉降对材料腐蚀危害的研究

    Study of the material erosion causeed by acidic deposition in Chongqing

  2. 介绍了金属材料腐蚀的机理和煤矿井下金属材料腐蚀破坏的主要形式,并提出了预防措施。

    Metal material erosion mechanism and main damage form under coal mine shaft caused by erosion are introduced and propeses the measures for prevention .

  3. 基于MATLAB的混沌时间序列算法对材料腐蚀行为的预测

    Forecast of material corrosion behavior by means of MATLAB-based algorithm of chaos time series

  4. 土壤pH和Eh对金属材料腐蚀的影响

    Effect of soil pH and eh on Corrosion of metal materials

  5. SiCP含量及缓蚀剂对SiCP/Al金属基复合材料腐蚀行为的影响

    Influence of SiC_P content and inhibitor on the corrosion behavior of SiC_P / Al metal matrix composites

  6. 分析结果表明,温度的升高及生物污损促进铜及铜合金的腐蚀,而pH、盐度和氧浓度的升高对浸泡1年的材料腐蚀速度有明显的抑制作用。

    The result of analyses is that higher temperature and bio-fouling accelerate copper and copper alloy corrosion , but the pH , oxygen solubility and salinity decelerate corrosion clearly only in one-year test .

  7. 220kV变电站金属材料腐蚀原因分析

    Cause Analysis on 220 kV Substation Metal Material Corrosion

  8. 对多种合金在碳酸二甲酯(DMC)合成反应体系中的腐蚀进行了实验研究,为DMC合成反应器选材提供了实验依据。结果表明,合成反应的介质腐蚀性很强,合金材料腐蚀严重;

    The corrosion of some alloys in dimethyl carbinate ( DMC ) synthesis reaction was studied , selection of materials and inhibitors was based on the investigation .

  9. 将近似函数引进到材料腐蚀的数学建模中,根据腐蚀数据特点,提出分段建模概念,并分别与灰色GM(1,1)模型、动态数据双向差分模型和幂函数模型对比。

    The approximate function was introduced into the material data , a divisional mathematical modeling concept was proposed . The resulting model was compared with gray model , dynamic data and bi-directional difference model and power function model , respectively .

  10. 通过Tafel曲线外推出的材料腐蚀电流密度可以计算出材料的腐蚀速度,腐蚀速度的大小直接代表了材料的耐腐蚀性能。

    The corrosion rate of materials can be calculated using material corrosion current density by Tafel curves characterization , and the change of the corrosion rate directly represents the corrosion resistance of materials .

  11. 中国的酸雨对材料腐蚀的经济损失估算

    Estimation of the corrosion losses by the acidic rain in China

  12. 重庆市大气污染对锌材料腐蚀的经济损失分析

    Economic Loss Estimates of Zinc Corrosion by Acid Deposition in Chongqing

  13. 燃煤磁流体熔渣对氧化物材料腐蚀的试验研究

    Experimental Investigation on Corrosion ofCoal-Fired MHD Melting Slag on Oxide Materials

  14. 我国主要类型土壤对混凝土材料腐蚀性规律的研究

    The Classification of Main Soil Corrosion to Concrete Materials in Our Country

  15. 石油化工设备材料腐蚀寿命预测系统

    Development of corrosion life prediction system for petrochemical equipment materials

  16. 换热设备用不锈钢材料腐蚀失效分析

    Failure analysis of stainless steel used in a heat-exchanger equipment

  17. 烧结钕铁硼永磁材料腐蚀机理与表面防护技术

    Corrosion Mechanism and Surface Protective Technology of Sintered Nd-Fe-Boron Permanent Magnetic Material

  18. 重庆环境空气质量与材料腐蚀的相关性

    Study on Correlation of Materials Corrosion Rate with Air Quality

  19. 材料腐蚀数据积累及其在工程建设中的应用

    Materials Corrosion Data Accumulation and Its Application in Construction Projects

  20. 基于图像颜色特征检索技术的材料腐蚀监测系统

    Inspection System of Material Decay Based on Image Retrieval Technology

  21. 材料腐蚀图像内容检索方法分析

    The Image Content of Material Erode Analysis with Searching Way

  22. 生物膜对金属材料腐蚀性能影响的研究进展(上)

    Review of Corrosion Influenced by Biofilm on Metallic Materials (ⅰ)

  23. 基于图像检索技术的材料腐蚀原值监测系统

    Inspection System for Original Value of Material Decay Based on Image Search Technology

  24. 材料腐蚀数据库(网络版)的设计与制作

    Design and construction of materials corrosion database for Internet

  25. 分形维数可以作为一种的有效表征材料腐蚀程度的手段。

    Therefore , Df can be used as an effective corrosion evaluation method .

  26. 这些气相杂质的存在会造成金属材料腐蚀,并污染环境。

    This gaseous impurity is able to bring about metal corrosion and contaminating .

  27. 苏州市某场地地下水对建筑材料腐蚀性评价

    The Corrosion Evaluating of Groundwater to Construction Materials in a Venue of Suzhou

  28. 动电位极化技术在口腔修复材料腐蚀测定中的应用

    Applications of potentiodynamic polarization technique in corrosion behavior measur ements of prosthodontic alloys

  29. 烧煤粉的燃气轮机材料腐蚀与冲蚀

    Erosion / Corrosion of material in coal-fired gas turbines

  30. 金属材料腐蚀系数的灰色预测

    Gray Calculation of Corrosion Coefficient of Metal of Materials