
  • 网络High pressure reducing valve
  1. DR&10两级高压减压阀状态空间分析及试验研究

    State-space analysis and experimental investigation of two-stage high pressure reducing valve type DR-10

  2. 气动舵机高压减压阀的分析与设计

    Analysis and design of a high pressure reducer valve for pneumatic actuator

  3. 中高压水压减压阀的研制

    Research and Development of a Water Hydraulic Pressure Reducing Valve

  4. 一种新型小流量、高压差减压阀的研制

    A New Pressure Reducing Valve with High Pressure Difference and Low Flow Rate

  5. 作为FTH112高压气体减压阀的定点检验单位,中国航天医学工程研究所委托哈尔滨理工大学机器人及自动化技术研究所研制专用的测试系统,对该产品进行性能测试。

    As testing unit of this device , Institute of Space Medico-Engineering in China commissions the Robot and Automation Technology Institute of Harbin University of Science and Technology to develop a dedicated test system and carry on product performance testing .

  6. 直动式电反馈高压电气比例减压阀的研制超高压气动比例减压阀的设计与仿真研究

    Research on A Direct High Pressure Electro-pneumatic Proportional Reducing Pressure Valve with Electrical Feedback

  7. 超高压气动减压阀的研究

    Study of superpressure pneumatic reducing valve

  8. 高压供水减压稳压阀的性能试验与内流场分析

    Performance Test and Internal Flow Field Analysis of Pressure Reducing / Sustaining Valve for High-pressure Water Supply

  9. 滑阀先导式高压气动减压阀结冰特性休息以减轻压力或者疾病的治疗方法。

    Characteristics of Icing in High Pressure Pneumatic Relief Valve with Slide Pilot rest as a medical treatment for stress or anxiety etc. .

  10. 介绍一种新型的直动式电反馈高压电气比例减压阀的结构原理。

    The structure and principle of a new type of direct high pressure electric-pneumatic proportional reducing pressure valve with electric feedback is proposed .

  11. 在汽车行业,氢能源汽车正在逐步发展,高压气动减压阀是氢能源汽车中的关键元件。

    Hydrogen cars in the automobile industry is gradually developing , High pressure pneumatic pressure reducing valve is a key element of hydrogen energy vehicles .

  12. 石油化工行业先导式泄压阀的计算机辅助设计选型系统研制滑阀先导式高压气动减压阀间隙泄漏特性研究

    Study on Computed Aided Sizing Design of Pilot Relief Value Used in Petroleum and Chemical Industry Clearance leakage in high pressure pneumatic relief valve with slide pilot

  13. 水电站无压尾水洞引风换热试验研究高压供水减压稳压阀的性能试验与内流场分析

    Experimental Investigation of the Cooling Performance of Tailrace Tunnel Ventilation in Hydropower Stations ; Performance Test and Internal Flow Field Analysis of Pressure Reducing / Sustaining Valve for High-pressure Water Supply

  14. 高压化降低了减压阀的工作稳定性。

    High pressure reduces the operation stability of the pressure reducing valve .

  15. 超高压气动比例减压阀的仿真与实验研究以上仿真和应用实例表明了算法的实际应用效果是令人满意的。

    Simulation and Experimental Research of Pneumatic Extra-high Pressure Proportional Valve ; Tests on IEEE-30 Bus System shows that AIA performs better than other algorithm .

  16. 该试验台由高压气源、控制系统、模拟负载、检测及数据采集系统组成,适用于超高压气动减压阀及容积减压装置。

    The test bed consists of high-pressure air supply , control system , artificial load , detection and data acquisition system .