
  1. 通过实验对高频电能密度、高频电功率的计算方法进行了修正,引入了修正系数Ki,使理论计算符合于实际。

    By experiments , the article corrects calculating method of high frequency electric energy density and electric power , and give correcting factor K1 that ensures theoretical calculating results conform to practice .

  2. 高频电能选择性消蚀房室传导系的实验研究

    Transcatheter Selected Ablation of the Atrioventricular Conduction System in Dogs Using High-frequency Energy

  3. 超短波电疗机是利用超短波的高频电能作用于人的肌体进行治疗的仪器。

    Ultrashort Wave Electrotherapy Machine is an instrument which utilizes high frequency electric energy of ultrashort wave to act on human 's organism for treatment .

  4. 膝痛消熏洗配合低周波、超短波治疗膝关节骨性关节炎的疗效观察超短波电疗机是利用超短波的高频电能作用于人的肌体进行治疗的仪器。

    Chinese herbal fumigation Plus Physical Factor Efficacy Analysis of Osteoarthritis of the Knee Ultrashort Wave Electrotherapy Machine is an instrument which utilizes high frequency electric energy of ultrashort wave to act on human 's organism for treatment .

  5. 电火花线切割是利用高频的电能所产生的热量来蚀除金属。

    WEDM is a method of erode metal using the heat caused by high frequency electrical energy .

  6. 根据变频系统高频输出电能特点,分析高次谐波产生原因和危害,并给出在电力电缆传输过程中产生振荡辐射的原因和解决方法。

    Based on the fact that electric power is output from the HF terminal of the frequency converter , this paper analyzes the causes and harms of higher harmonics , as well as the reasons for the power cable oscillation radiation during transmission and their solutions .

  7. 结论组织粘合剂、止血合剂和高频电凝三联疗法能有效治疗非静脉曲张胃大出血,具有安全、经济、快速等优点。

    Conclusion The use of triad therapy of tissue adhesive , sclerosing agent injection and electrocoagulation is effective , economical and safe in the treatment of acute gastric massive hemorrhage .