
  1. 在岭澳500kV开关站0GEW系统倒送电过程中,500kV岭东甲线310JA的B相断路器由于设备质量问题发生绝缘闪络事故。

    An insulation flashover of a 500 kV circuit breaker occurred in phase B at a 500 kV switchyard .

  2. 岭澳500kV断路器绝缘闪络事故分析

    Analysis of Insulation Flashover Accident of a 500 kV Circuit Breaker

  3. 用先导发展模型方法作为绝缘闪络判据,计算比较了峡500kV双回同杆并架出线不同方案的防雷性能,并对国外运行经验做了分析讨论,提出推荐方案。

    The leader development model has been adopted as the insulator flashover criterion . The lightning performances of outgoing double circuit line schemes of the Three Gorges Power Station were computed and compared . The foreign operating experience is analyzed , Schemes are proposed .

  4. 真空绝缘闪络的电子触发极化松弛理论

    Electron Triggered Polarization Relaxation Theory for Flashover of Insulators in Vacuum

  5. 基于先导发展法的绝缘闪络判据的研究

    Study on Criterion of Insulation Flashover Based on Antecedent Development Method

  6. 高真空条件下绝缘闪络机理研究的评述

    Discussion on the Mechanism of Surface Flashover Under High Vacuum

  7. 操作过电压作用下的输电线绝缘闪络概率的计算

    Calculation for The Insulation Flashover Probability of Transmission Line under Switching Surge

  8. 弧光接地过电压触发电力系统外绝缘闪络的探讨

    A study on the problems about outer insulation flashovers in power systems triggered by interrupted arc grounding

  9. 输电线路绝缘闪络故障判别技术&故障点指示伞裙的研制

    Fault Identification Technology for Insulation Flash on Power Transmission Line ── Research on Umbrella Indicating Fault Point

  10. 外绝缘闪络将导致供电中断,影响供电的可靠性。

    Outside insulation flashover will not only lead to interregnum of power supply , but affect its reliability .

  11. 通过图片对事故原因进行了综合分析,尤其就可能导致断路器绝缘闪络事故的粒子来源点进行了全面阐述。

    The causes of accident were analyzed through photos , especially the origination of particles which could produce insulation flashover of the circuit breaker .

  12. 我国曾发生过由于扬沙及沙尘暴天气而导致电力系统的停电事故,国外也有因沙尘暴引起的外绝缘闪络报道。

    The power system tripped-out accidents caused by blowing sand or sandstorm have happened in China . There are some reports on the flashover of external insulation caused by the sandstorm at abroad .

  13. 对纳秒脉冲(10/30ns)下真空绝缘闪络电压随气压的变化趋势进行了实验研究,探讨的气压范围介于8×10-4Pa至标准大气压之间。

    Dependence of flashover voltage on gas pressure has been measured in vacuum and in atmospheric air using 10 / 30-nanosecond pulse power . The scope of gas pressure is between 8 × 10-4 Pa and standard atmospheric pressure .

  14. 因此,对于多层长渡越时间轴向绝缘堆闪络概率的分析必须综合考虑上述三个影响因素,这也使得这种情况下的闪络概率分析具有其独特性。

    The calculation of VIS flashover probability must consider simultaneously above factors , so the flashover probability analysis method under this condition was particular .

  15. 本文阐述了真空轴向绝缘堆闪络概率分析方法的研究背景和意义,综述了国内外在此方面的研究现状和存在的问题。

    In this dissertation , the background and the significance of multi-stage vacuum insulator stack ( VIS ) flashover probability analysis research were outlined , and an overview about VIS research in the world was stated .

  16. 吸附气体在真空绝缘沿面闪络过程中的作用

    Action Mechanism of Desorbed Gases during Surface Flashover in Vacuum

  17. 湿度对绝缘表面工频闪络电压的影响

    Influence of humidity on power flashover voltage along insulating surfaces

  18. 纳秒脉冲真空绝缘沿面闪络机理研究

    Discussion on the Mechanism of Flashover Characteristics Under Nanosecond Pulse in Vacuum

  19. 表面粗糙度对绝缘材料真空闪络特性的影响

    Influence of surface roughness on flashover characteristics of insulating materials in vacuum

  20. 真空绝缘沿面闪络电压与外加电压随时间的上升速率有关。

    Surface flashover characteristic in vacuum are related to rising rate of voltage waveforms .

  21. 研究了冲击电压下绝缘表面空气闪络电压与湿度的关系。

    The influence of humidity on air dielectric strength over an insulation surface was investigated when impulse voltage was applied .

  22. 基于脉冲功率技术高电压、大电流、窄脉宽的发展趋势,高压纳秒脉冲真空绝缘沿面闪络特性研究具有非常重要的实践意义。

    Due to rapid development of pulsed power technology , investigation of surface flashover in vacuum under nanosecond must be a significant job .

  23. 同时,针对工程中存在的电流互感器外绝缘会发生闪络放电的问题,通过高电压绝缘理论计算,对电流互感器外绝缘结构进行改进。

    At the same time , focus on the problem of flashover discharge of current transformer external insulation in engineering , improving external insulation structure of current transformer by the theoretical calculation of high-voltage insulation .

  24. 带电水蒸气冲洗污秽绝缘子时的交流闪络特性研究

    AC Flashover Performance of Contaminated Insulators in Hot Water Vapor Washing

  25. 文中以大量的实验数据全面揭示了湿度对绝缘表面空气工频闪络电压影响的新机理,同时说明了“温度附加影响”的物理原因。

    The paper proposed a new mechanism of humidity effect on AC flashover voltage and clarified so called " additional influence of temperature " .

  26. 介绍了沿面闪络的两大基本理论:二次电子崩理论和电子极化松弛理论,概括了影响绝缘材料沿面闪络的因素以及抑制措施。

    Two basic theories were introduced : ? Secondary Electron Emission Avalanche ( SEEA ) theory and Electron Triggered Polarization Relaxation ( ETPR ) theory , summarizing the impact factors that affect the insulating material surface flashover and suppression measures .

  27. 然而,GIS内部不可避免的绝缘缺陷会逐步扩展并导致故障发生,最常见的电气故障特征是在绝缘完全击穿或闪络前发生局部放电(PartialDischarge,简称PD)。

    However , the inevitable insulation defects inside the GIS may expand gradually and lead to fault occurrence , and the most common feature of electrical faults is partial discharge ( PD ) before insulation breakdown or flashover .