
jué duì ān quán
  • absolute safety;absolute cover amount
  1. 但是要记住,绝对安全是永远不可能实现的。

    But remember that absolute safety is never achievable .

  2. 但在投资中,绝对安全是一种妄想。

    But absolute safety in investment is a chimera .

  3. 组织者广泛征询了警方、管事和保安的意见,以保证绝对安全。

    Organisers had consulted widely with police , stewards and safety officers to ensure tight security .

  4. 你的钱存在我这里绝对安全。

    Your money will be quite safe with me .

  5. 我的钱存在银行里,那里是绝对安全的。

    I keep my money in the bank where it 's as safe as houses .

  6. 然而VoIP和普通并不是绝对安全的,容易遭到窃听、冒充、Dos等攻击。

    However VoIP is not absolutely security , which is vulnerable to eavesdrop , falsification and Dos attacks .

  7. 但WatchDog并非绝对安全,常常失去有效性,使系统瘫痪。

    But WatchDog is not absolutely safe , which loses frequently the validity and makes the system paralysis .

  8. XC10设备在几个级别上都绝对安全。

    The XC10 appliance is absolutely secure on several levels .

  9. 本文分析了Grover量子搜索法和Shor量子算法对目前流行的DES、RSA经典密码体系的安全机制存在潜在的威胁,提出量子技术实现信息的绝对安全加密。

    This paper analyses the Grover and Shot algorithm and introduces the information security technology based on the principle of quantum cryptography .

  10. 它还不紧不慢的,似乎很清楚自己是绝对安全的。

    As tranquilly as if it knew it was perfectly safe .

  11. 事实上,世间没有绝对安全的事。

    As a matter of fact , nothing is absolutely safe .

  12. 你能保证绝对安全吗,巴克尔下士?

    Have you been cleared for security , petty officer buckley ?

  13. 任何医疗器械都不是零风险和绝对安全的。

    No medical equipment is of zero risk and absolute security .

  14. 量子密码技术被认为是绝对安全的加密技术。

    Quantum cryptography is deemed as absolute secure cryptography technology .

  15. 我们能够依靠代码签名来保证绝对安全吗?

    Can we count on code signing to be foolproof ?

  16. 我可以向你保证,她绝对安全。

    She 's perfectly safe , I can assure you .

  17. 谷物要基本自给,口粮要绝对安全的粮食安全战略。

    Self-sufficiency of grain and absolute grain ration security should be ensured .

  18. 他过去一直向往的绝对安全。

    The absolute security for which he had always craved .

  19. 你绝对安全,托伊对她说。

    ' You were perfectly safe ,' Troy told her .

  20. 当然,在中国想要吃得绝对安全是很难的。

    It 's hard to be completely safe when living in China .

  21. 来吧吉恩绝对安全的

    Come on , Gene . It 's perfectly safe .

  22. 在本土安全上,美国本土安全第一,寻求更加的绝对安全;

    American territorial security goes first and seeking for " absolute security " ;

  23. 你要知道,你跟朋友们在一起是绝对安全的。

    You will be perfectly safe , you know , among your friends .

  24. 没有可以保证无线网络绝对安全的方法。

    There is no way to guarantee complete security on a wireless network .

  25. 农业部长迈克约翰斯宣称:“美国牛肉是绝对安全的。”

    Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns says " american beef is extremely safe . "

  26. 他已经拥有一个绝对安全、成熟的。

    He 's got the absolute , most sophisticated .

  27. 他们不会担心那些他们认为是绝对安全的东西的。

    They 're not gonna worry about something they 're sure is safe .

  28. 工厂的排出物绝对安全。

    Discharges from the factory are entirely safe .

  29. 狱长犀牛:没什么可担心的,绝对安全。

    Rhino : It 's nothing to worry about . It 's perfectly safe .

  30. 核工厂的排出物据称绝对安全。

    Discharges from the nuclear plant are entirely safe , it has been claimed .