
  • 网络lighting quality;quality of lighting
  1. 本文阐述了照明质量判据的发展,特别是视亮度(brightness)是视环境中最重要的因数。

    This paper describes the development of lighting quality criteria , especially the visual luminance brightness is one of the most important factor in our visual enviroment .

  2. 日光灯照明质量的改善与提高功率因数的方法

    Improvement of flourescence lamp lighting quality and rising of power coefficient factor

  3. 提高住宅照明质量的技术措施

    The Technical Measurs of Raising the Illumination Quality for Residences

  4. 镇流器对照明质量和照明能效的意义?

    The significance of ballast to lighting quality and efficiency ?

  5. 确保照明质量节约照明能源的技术措施

    Saving Electricity Technique Based on the Lighting Quality

  6. 在保证照明质量的同时,隧道照明设计应当充分考虑隧道照明带来的能源消耗问题。

    At the same time , tunnels lighting design should consider the problem of energy-consuming .

  7. 用于图像采集的照明质量评价

    Illuminating quality assessment used by image collection

  8. 教室照明质量的评价与改进

    The Evaluation and Improvement of Classroom Lighting

  9. 提高照明质量的有效方法

    The effective methods to improve illuminating quality

  10. 不舒适眩光是构成室内照明质量的重要因素之一。

    Discomfort glare is one of the important factors which influence the quality of interior lighting .

  11. 室外环境照明质量的探讨

    Discussion Light Quality of Outside Environment

  12. 第三部分提出了庭园照明质量的评价方法。

    In the third part , ways of evaluating the guality of garden lighting are suggested .

  13. 优良的照明质量不但要有合适的照度,还要求有较高的照度均匀度;不但要求光源有较好的显色性和色温,还要达到较低的眩光指数。

    It requests to has high color rendering property , color temperature and needs low glare index .

  14. 目前国内尚无直接的规范作为指导,导致校园道路的照明质量参差不齐,两极分化严重(见第四章)。

    But up to present , there is no direct guideline indicating the lighting quality of campus roads .

  15. 高等学校校园道路照明质量的指标有些可以定量地评价,有的只能定性地分析。

    However , some factors of road lighting in campus areas could be quantified , others may be not .

  16. 在自主研制的微视觉测量系统中,应用照明质量评价系统进行评价,得到了最佳的照明条件。

    In micro-vision measurement system , applying the illuminating quality assessment system , the best illuminating condition was got .

  17. 本文主要对影响高等学校校园道路照明质量的照度水平进行了定量地评价,建议了高等学校校园道路照明的照明标准。

    This paper mainly studies the illuminance level of the road lighting in campus areas and recommends the lighting standards .

  18. 步行商业街道路照明质量的优劣与诸多因素有关,本文全面地分析了步行商业街道路照明质量的影响因素。

    Street lighting quality in pedestrian mall has relationship with many factors , so this paper discusses the factors influencing the street lighting environment .

  19. 影响照明质量因素有光源波长、发光点分布及性能等。

    The factors influence the illumination quality in visual detection system is the lamp-house wavelength , radiation point locations and the performance of lamp-house .

  20. 调研结果表明目前大学教室照明质量仍不理想,且学生对教室照明中视知觉主观感受较为关注。

    The present lighting quality of university 's classrooms is still not ideal , and students are more concerned of the subjective feelings of visual and perception .

  21. 一些工业先进国家,在办公室等场所逐步推出多种称之谓高视觉效能的荧光灯具,使办公室照明质量指标达到了较高水平。

    Various kinds of the fluorescent lamps of visual efficacy have been developed for the offices in several progressive industrial countries to attain higher level of lighting quality .

  22. 基于计算分析,提出了相应的解决及优化方法,为抑制散斑、提高激光照明质量和测量准确性提供了理论依据。

    On the basis of theoretical analysis , the solution and optimization to reduce speckle was proposed to restrain speckle noise , improve illumination quality and enhance accuracy of measurement .

  23. 即用数码相机拍摄场景,通过软件进行读取和计算,得出场景的亮度和眩光指数,从而检测光环境及照明质量。

    By using software to read and calculating the luminance of picture which digital camera shot , the environmental luminance and glare index can be obtained and the lighting quality can be valued .

  24. 光照设计应解决好功能、美学和健康之间的关系,使照明质量达到心理学、生理学、卫生学和美学等方面的科学与艺术统一。

    If the relationship between light designing and function , esthetics , and health can be correctly dealt with , a scientific combination among physiology , psychology , hygiene and esthetics is reached .

  25. 本文运用了在校期间学习的电光源理论知识,结合了工作实践中对LED路灯试用时得到的数据和经验,对光环境照明系统质量进行了系统性的评价、分析和优化。

    This paper uses the during school learning electric light source theory knowledge , combined with LED lamps trial data and experiences , lighting system quality are systemic evaluation , analysis and optimization .

  26. 办公室照明的质量涉及到的因素比较复杂。

    Many elements contribute to the quality of office lighting , which are very complicated .

  27. 照明的质量和水平已成为衡量社会现代化的一个重要标志。

    The quality and level of lighting is a significant symbol to evaluate the degree of modernization .

  28. 该系统将新型节能灯具和先进的工业自动控制结合起来,从硬件、软件两方面着手,较好的解决了节能与提高照明服务质量之间的矛盾。

    This system combine the new type lamps and lanterns saving energy with advanced industry automatic control , proceed with hardware and software , solve the problem between saving energy and serving quality .

  29. 因此,有必要对如何发掘园林灯具的潜力、合理搭配、应用园林灯具以及杜绝光污染等方面进行研究,从而营造出一个和谐的光环境和进一步提高夜景照明的质量。

    Therefore , it is necessary to research that how to explore the potential of garden lamps , collocation and application of garden lighting and prevent light pollution , to create a harmonious environment and further improve the light quality of night lighting .

  30. 浅谈LED夜景照明工程的质量控制

    Engineering Quality Control of Nightscape LED Lighting