
  • 网络photo fuse
  1. 高动态范围(HDR,HighDynamicRange)影像合成技术主要利用两张或多张不同曝光照片合成,呈现亮部及暗部曝光细节皆正常清楚的影像。

    High Dynamic Range imaging ( HDR ) is a technique to fuse two or more pictures with different exposures to reconstruct a picture with light and dark details .

  2. Engledow和Alice各自正常地摆姿势拍照,然后他把照片合成,成为最后的成品。

    Engledow and Alice normally pose separately , and he Photoshops the images together into a final product .

  3. 从正面侧面照片合成三维人脸

    The synthesis of human face from front and side pictures

  4. 两位科学家用X光照片合成电脑模型,显示出她当年的容貌。

    Two scientists used the X-rays to create a computerized model of what the face would have looked like .

  5. 然后他们将照片合成一长串,让你点击一个按钮就能“走”任何路线。

    Then they took the photos and composited them into a long string that lets you " walk " any route with the click of a button .

  6. 这幅精彩的宇宙图片是由哈勃历史资料和地面照片合成的,所用照片由夏威夷岛莫纳克亚山顶的8.2米口径“昴星望远镜”拍摄。

    This stunning cosmic portrait is a composite of space and ground-based image data from the Hubble Legacy Archive and the8.2 meter Subaru Telescope at the summit of Mauna Kea , Hawaii .

  7. 下面一幅高清图片是由信使号广角相机所拍摄的三种颜色下的照片合成的,但颜色已做增强处理,否则在肉眼看来,水星表面颜色会相对太淡。

    This sharp imagecombines three of the MESSENGER wide angle camera 's colors , but in exaggerated fashion . Otherwise , to the unaided human eye , Mercury 's surface colors would appear comparatively muted .

  8. 很难将这些照片并合成合适的地图。

    It is difficult to assemble those sheets into a proper map .

  9. 具有水平和垂直线的磨砂型屏,这种屏便于您所拍摄的照片的合成。

    A matte screen with horizontal and vertical lines . This screen facilitates composition of your photograph .

  10. 壁纸从我的公寓向外拍摄的5张照片用Hugin合成,做了剪裁和缩放。

    Wallpaper : A combination of5 photos taken from my apartment complex , stitched together using Hugin , then cropped and resized .

  11. 基于照片的图像合成技术

    Photo-Based Image Synthesis Technology

  12. 摄影师使用电脑程序将这些照片叠加起来,合成了每个地区的“大众脸”。

    The photographers laid the photos over each other with a computer program to create a " common " face for each area .

  13. 这张照片是多张钱德拉天文台的照片合成的,显示的是130光年远的银河系的中心部分。

    This image was produced by combining a dozen Chandra observations made of a130-light-year region in the center of the Milky Way .