
  1. 利用公网GPRS的城市照明监控系统

    Research on the GPRS Usage of Public Network in the Lighting Monitor System of City Road

  2. 网络化全数字照明监控系统及集群控制器设计

    Design of Supervising System and Cluster Controller for Digital Networking Lighting

  3. 城市道路照明监控系统初探

    A Probe into the Monitoring System for City Road Illuminations

  4. 铁路车站电力载波照明监控系统

    A Lighting Supervisory Control System of Railway Stations based on Power Line Carrier

  5. 某新机场站坪照明监控系统的应用

    Application of A New Airfield Ground Lighting Control System

  6. 基于力控组态软件的高速公路隧道照明监控系统

    Supervisory Control System of Highway Tunnel Lighting Based on Force Control Configuration Software

  7. 作为城市信息化的重要组成部分,城市照明监控系统的发展也就变得十分的必要。

    The development of urban lighting monitoring is one of the important parts of informationization .

  8. 进而论述了工程实例-长安酒店计算机照明监控系统的构成。

    And the analysis of an actual project , Changan Hotel intelligent lighting management system , was presented .

  9. 本文详细介绍了某新机场站坪照明监控系统的构成、分布及控制的方式和范围;

    This article detail explains the components , structure and control of a new airport ground lighting control system .

  10. 介绍了一种基于电力载波通信技术的铁路车站照明监控系统的工作原理和组成,并以工程为例说明系统的实际应用情况。

    A lighting supervisory control system of railway stations based on power line carrier communication technology is introduced with its operation principle , system structure and engineering application .

  11. 设计自动化程度高、运行可靠、高效节电、使用维护方便并能美化市容的照明监控系统,是照明控制与管理现代化的必然要求。

    To design an automated , reliable and efficient Street-lamp and Brightening monitoring system , which is convenient for maintenance and with function of beautifying city is a certain request for modernization of controlling and management of Street-lamp and brightening system controlling .

  12. 随着城市路灯建设的飞速发展、设备管理规模扩大、需求多样化、节电需求越来越迫切,相应的城市智能照明监控系统的要求也越来越高。

    With the rapid development of city construction , street lighting equipment management scale , diversification of demand , electricity demand is more and more urgent , city lighting intelligent monitoring system of the corresponding requirements are also getting higher and higher .

  13. 文章提出一种嵌入式控制器,设计了一种基于GPRS无线通信数据远程传输的公路隧道太阳能照明远程监控系统,介绍了系统的组成、功能和实现的关键技术。

    An embedded controller was adopted in this paper , and the monitoring system was designed for solar photovoltaic - illumination tunnels based on GPRS wireless communication data remote transfer . The paper presents the composing and the key technology of system .

  14. 城市照明监控管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Lighting Control System in WeiFang

  15. 城市照明无线监控系统将有飞速发展,为城市建设做出卓越贡献。

    City lighting wireless monitoring system will have a long-range development and make outstanding contributions to urban construction .

  16. 城市照明节能监控系统:本地控制系统的设计

    E City Digital Street Lamp Lighting Saving Energy Monitor and Control System : The Design of the Terminal Control System

  17. 数字化道路照明节能监控系统采用单灯稳压降流节能技术,克服集中控制所带来的问题。

    Digital Street Lamp Lighting Saving Energy Monitor and Control System use single lamp stabling voltage and reducing current technology , overcome the problems .

  18. 城市照明无线监控系统由监控中心、若干个分散的远程测控终端和无线通信网络构成。

    City Lighting Wireless Monitor and Control System is made up of control center , several scattering remote testing and controlling terminal and wireless communication nets .

  19. 最后对照明回路监控系统进行了基本功能的测试与验证,结果表明,系统稳定可靠,满足了预定的功能需求。

    Finally , testing the lighting circuit monitoring system , and sum up the whole design . The results show that , the system is stable and reliable , can meet the basic functional requirements .

  20. 本文所述的单灯照明智能监控系统是一个用以监测城市灯光运行情况,并能够监测控制每一杆灯,实现按需照明,在保证可靠性的前提下,有效地实现照明节能的先进系统。

    In this paper , the single lamp lighting intelligent monitoring system for monitoring is a city lighting operation , and can monitor and control each lamp , on-demand lighting , in the premise of reliability , and effectively realize the advanced energy-saving lighting system .

  21. 由于国内在大型停车场照明自动监控系统中尚无成熟的产品,我们设计和实现了一种基于CAN现场总线的照明自动监控系统。

    Direct it against in a situation that there are no ripe products yet at home in the automatic monitored control field of large-scale parking area at present , so we designed and realized a kind of monitored control system for illumination based on CAN bus .

  22. 城市照明无线监控系统主要应用于城市道路、夜景等城市照明管理单位实现城市照明集中控制的应用系统,该系统主要通过无线方式实现远程控制、远程检测、故障告警以及管理功能。

    City lighting wireless monitoring system is mainly used in urban roads , night lighting management unit and other cities to achieve centralized control of urban lighting applications , the system is mainly achieved through a wireless remote control , remote detection , fault alarm and management functions .

  23. 此外,还对当前监控组态软件所采用的主流技术进行了比较、分析,提出并详细描述具体的设计方案和实现方法,并介绍了它们在大型停车场照明自动监控系统中的应用。

    In addition , we compared and analyzed the major technology adopted by the prevalent configuration software , proposed and described amply the concrete design and realization of the configuration software in this system , introduced the application of it in the automatic monitored control system in large-scale parking area .

  24. 以上述工作为基础,同时结合路灯管理部门的实际工作情况建立了城市照明智能监控系统的逻辑架构,架构由用户层、表示层、应用层、服务层、业务支撑层、数据层构成。

    Based on the above work , combined with the actual work situation of street management established the logical architecture of intelligent monitoring system for city lighting , architecture is composed of user layer , presentation layer , application layer , service layer , business support layer , data layer .

  25. 当前,城市照明智能监控管理系统已在济南、张家口、徐州、无锡等十几地市上线运行,用户对系统的运行情况给予了满意评价。

    At present , the city lighting intelligent monitoring and management system has been put in operation in Jinan , Xuzhou , Wuxi and so on , Zhangjiakou City , running conditions of the system to give the user satisfaction evaluation .

  26. 采用CCD感光器件,兼有可见光、微光和夜间近红外照明监控性能的摄像系统是新一代电视监控设备发展的方向。

    A novel camera system with CCD sensitization device , which can work between in day or at night is the development direction of the new generation TV monitoring system .

  27. 本文从消防照明系统的实际应用角度出发,研发出一种照明回路的监控系统。

    This article embarks from the practical application of emergency lighting system , designs a monitoring system for emergency lighting circuit .