
zhào yìnɡ
  • shine
照映 [zhào yìng]
  • [shine] 照耀映射

  • 八角楼上的灯光,照映着密密的竹林

  1. 照映在过往人们的脸上

    Are also on the faces of people going by

  2. 月亮永远无私的照映在每个人身上。

    The moon always shines upon everybody selflessly .

  3. 绝境长城高高地耸立在他们面前,在残月苍白的光芒照映下闪闪发亮。

    The Wall loomed before them , glimmering palely in the light of the half moon .

  4. 与复社社会活动形成鲜明照映的是复社的社会思想和经世学术。

    Corresponding with the Fu She social activity was the social thought and the statecraft academic .

  5. 嘻水佳人照映面。

    Laugh beauty Zhaoying surface water .

  6. 画中人以某种极端内省的姿态照映出彼此的欲望。

    In a word , the characters reflect each other 's desires with an extremely introspective attitude .

  7. 我们静静地沿溪流徜徉,乌龟滚下阳光照映的圆木,蹭入溪底柔软的砂泥中;

    We explored the streams , quietly , where the turtles slid off the sunny logs and dug their way into the soft bottom ;

  8. 当他们抵达楼梯底端,进入墓窖的深沉黑暗时,劳勃已经气喘吁吁,呼吸困难,在灯光照映下面红耳赤了。

    Robert was breathing heavily by the time they reached the bottom of the stairs , his face red in the lantern light as they stepped out into the darkness of the crypt .