
  1. 今天女王大人怎么样

    How 's the dragon lady , today ?

  2. 这个首相本就是女王大人的朋友——他是她母亲的儿时密友。

    A PM who was already a friend - a childhood chum of her mother 's.

  3. 这是基于女王大人每人每晚收费10000英镑,并将所有卧室出租的假设条件下得出的。

    This is assuming that the Queen charges 10000 pounds per person per night and that she rents all of the bedrooms out .

  4. 从父亲般的丘吉尔,到冷若冰霜的撒切尔,再到自信心过剩的年轻布莱尔,女王大人已经至少见证了12个首相的来来去去。

    From fatherly Churchill , to the icy Thatcher and a cocky young Blair , The Queen has seen no less than twelve prime ministers come and go .

  5. 白金汉宫在下午5:25之前发表的一份正式照会说:“尊敬的国会议员大卫·卡梅伦今晚受到了女王的接见并提交了他作为首相以及第一财政大臣的辞呈,女王大人和蔼而愉快地接受了。”

    An official communication issued by Buckingham Palace just before 5.25pm said : ' The Right Honourable David Cameron MP had an Audience of The Queen this evening and tendered his resignation as Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury , which Her Majesty was graciously pleased to accept . '