
  • 网络Female diseases;female malady
  1. 本药品补肾滋阴,填精益髓,是医治女性疾病的良药。滋补肾阴法对糖皮质激素所致骨质疏松大鼠Wnt信号传导的影响

    This drug can replenish vital essence , tonify kidney-yin and nourish the Bone marrow so it is effective against gynecological diseases . Effects of Nourishing Kidney-Yin Method on Wnt Singal Transduction in Rats Suffered from Glucocorticoid-induced Osteoporosis

  2. 乳腺癌是当今发病率最高的女性疾病之一,其对女性健康造成了严重的影响。

    Breast cancer is currently one of the the highest incidence diseases of women and it has serious implications for the health of women .

  3. 一项研究表明,随着医生越来越熟练地掌握了引产时机,因为孕期女性疾病所引发的胎儿和新生婴儿死亡的数量已经减少了。

    The number of fetuses and newborns to die because of a condition some women develop while pregnant has fallen as doctors perfect their timing in inducing labor , a study found .

  4. MM在男性和女性恶性疾病中分别占第5位和第6位,根据死亡风险来说仅次于成人白血病。

    MM happens in men and women respectively the fifth and sixth of all the malignant diseases , secondly only to adult leukemia according to the risk of death .

  5. 结论阴道镜检查对诊断女性宫颈疾病有一定的临床应用价值,对早期发现CIN、对阻断宫颈癌发展具有重要意义。

    Conclusions vaginoscopy is beneficial of diagnosing cervical diseases , especially for the early cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia ( CIN ) detection .

  6. 目前认为,PCOS是育龄女性内分泌疾病中最常见的一种,患病率为5%-20%。

    Currently considered , PCOS is the most common endocrine diseases of women in childbearing age , prevalence rate of 5 % - 20 % .

  7. 美国的研究结果显示,长期接触空气微粒污染与绝经后女性心血管疾病(CVD)和死亡有关。

    Long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution is associated with the incidence of cardiovascular disease ( CVD ) and death among postmenopausal women , US study findings reveal .

  8. 女性心血管疾病的临床证据和预防指南

    Clinical evidence and guidelines with prevent of cardiovascular disease in women

  9. 阴式子宫切除术治疗70例女性子宫疾病临床分析

    Analysis of 70 Female Patients with Hysterectomy Via Vagina for Treatment of Metropathy

  10. 腹腔镜在老年女性妇科疾病中的应用观察

    Application of laparoscopy in old female gynecologic diseases

  11. 我国部分地区女性乳腺疾病发病现状的调查与分析

    Screening on woman breast disease in east China

  12. 目的研究我国部分地区女性乳腺疾病发病的现状与特点。

    Objective To study on the status and features of breast disease in east China .

  13. 女性心血管疾病药物治疗的特点

    Cardiovascular drug therapy in women

  14. 造成现代女性宫颈疾病发病率高的原因较多。

    Causes the modern feminine cervix of the uterus disease incidence rate high reason to be many .

  15. 绝经前女性心血管疾病发病率比同龄男性低,绝经后心血管疾病发病率明显增加。

    Premenopausal women have reduced risk compared with men , the incidence of cardiovascular disease increases significantly after menopause .

  16. 昆山市性病门诊就诊妇女性传播疾病感染情况分析

    Clinical analysis on the infection of sexually transmitted diseases ( STD ) among women under examination in Kunshan City

  17. 目的:探讨直肠及阴道内超声对女性尿道疾病的诊断价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the value of transrectal and transvaginal ultrasound in the diagnosis of female urethral diseases .

  18. 目的探讨阴式探头经直肠检查对未婚女性妇科疾病诊断、治疗中的临床应用价值。

    Objective To probe the clinical application of transrectal ultrasonography with transvaginal probe in the gynecologic disease of female sole .

  19. 在女作家笔下,女性的疾病成了受害的隐喻,女性的疾病与女性的角色冲突、与女性性别紧密联系了起来。

    In female writers'works female diseases become the metaphor victimization conflict with female roles and in close contact with female sex .

  20. 目的:探讨老年女性妇科疾病的发病特点及趋势、治疗方式、疾病预后。

    Objective : To determine the character and trend of pathogenesis , treatment mode and prognosis of gynecological diseases in senile female patients .

  21. 在该研究之前,有证据显示有节制的少量饮酒可能与降低女性心血管疾病风险相关。

    Before this study , evidence suggested that light-to-moderate alcohol consumption might be associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease in women .

  22. 方法:55例女性乳腺疾病患者,其中乳腺癌28例,乳腺纤维腺瘤22例,乳腺增生病5例。

    Methods CT scanning was performed in 55 females with breast diseases , including 28 cases of carcinomas , 22 fibroadenomas and 5 mammary hyperplasias .

  23. 结论:绝经后女性心血管疾病发病率与雌激素受体水平下降有关。

    Conclusions : The incidence of atheroscler coronary arteries is related to the reduction of the estrogen receptors in vascular smooth muscle cells in post-menopausal woman .

  24. 对108例女性乳腺疾病标本检测结果显示:在正常乳腺组织和乳腺腺病Ⅰ级上皮增生者均无Y抗原表达;

    The results show , no expression of Y antigen in both normal breast and epithelial hyperplastic grade ( EHG ) I of adenosis of breast .

  25. 这段较长时间内男女患者比例的这种变化使得多发性硬化成了常见于女性的疾病,但多年以前并非如此。

    The rise over this long period has been so pronounced it has made multiple sclerosis an overwhelmingly female-dominated disease , even though it wasn 't originally .

  26. 方法:对61例女性尿道疾病的声像图改变进行回顾性分析,全部病例均经手术及临床治疗随访证实。

    Methods : The ultrasound images of the sixty-one patients with female urethral diseases were retrospectively analyzed , all of the patients were proved by operation and clinical treatment .

  27. 大量的临床证据表明,与男性相比,女性心血管疾病患者更容易表现为症状的多样性和不典型性,经确诊的女性心血管疾病患者预后较差。

    Large quantity of clinical evidence express , compare with male , the patients of cardiovascular disease in women get more easily express to the condition of illness 's variety with not typical model .

  28. 在育龄女性多种疾病的发展进程中,都存在着各种各样导致子宫内膜容受性降低的因素,这些因素相互影响、相互作用最终导致了这些患者妊娠率的低下。

    There exist varies of factors in the process of many kinds of female diseases that can lead to the decrease of uterine receptivity and these factors interact and eventually cause a low pregnant rate among patients .

  29. 方法按经济水平分层整群随机抽样,对4个抽样点已婚育龄妇女性传播疾病病原体的感染状况及影响因素进行调查。

    Methods Using cluster sampling method for selecting population based on economic level strata , the epidemiological investigation about the infecting prevalence of pathogens which cause STDs and its affecting factors was carried out at four sampling fields .

  30. 凯克说:“我们发现,女性在面对疾病时更容易遭遇婚姻的破裂。”

    " We found that women are doubly vulnerable to marital break-up in the face of illness , " Karraker said .