
  1. 美国的设计师注重穿衣女性的智慧与自由。

    American designers prized resourcefulness and the freedom of women who wore the clothing .

  2. 但是,这并不表示女性的智慧不足以胜任高层职位,远非如此。或许,有些人只是需要更平易近人,不要那么争强好胜罢了。

    No one is suggesting that women aren 't intelligent enough to be in senior positions , far from it , but perhaps-some need to be more approachable and less competitive .

  3. 在这次国际选美比赛中,参赛者展示了女性的美丽和智慧。

    In this international beauty pageant , the participants displayed the beauty and wisdom of the female .

  4. 批判男权专制统治,肯定和赞美女性的善良、智慧和超拔;

    He also criticizes the autocratic male control , affirms and praises women 's kind heartedness , wisdom and detachment ;