
  1. 自我导向学习中成人学习动机维持研究

    Research on Adult Learning Motivation to Maintain in Self-directed Learning

  2. 职业培训中成人学习动机的培养和激发

    On Arousing and Cultivating Adults ' Motivation to Learn in the Vocational Training

  3. 成人学习动机的调查研究

    Investigation on Learning Motivation of Adult

  4. 成人学习动机的激发策略

    Strategies of Inspiring Adult Learning Motivation

  5. 研究网络学习环境中的成人学习动机问题具有重要的理论发展价值与网络教育实践推进意义。

    Research adult learning motivation in the network environment has important theoretical development and promotes network educational practice .

  6. 成人英语学习动机行为调查与教学对策研究

    Survey of English learning motivation of young cadres and their teaching strategies

  7. 成人外语学习动机分析及培训市场的开发研究

    Analysis of adult foreign language learning motivation and study of training market development

  8. 成人英语学习动机的调查及对英语教学的启示

    An Investigation into Adult Learners ' Motivation in English Learning and Its Implications for English Teaching

  9. 成人的学习动机具有被动性、实用性、个体差异性、对教育评价的成熟性和学习动机变动的刚性。

    The learning motivation of adults has passivity , practicality , individual differences , maturity of evaluation to education and the rigidity of learning motivation variation .

  10. 网络环境下成人学习中期阶段动机维持策略

    Strategy of Motivation Maintaining in Adult Learning under the Web Environment

  11. 成人大学生英语学习动机研究及教学启示

    Adult Students ' Motivation in College English Learning and Its Implications for Teaching

  12. 少数民族成人学员汉语学习动机调查分析

    Research and Analysis of National Minority Adult Students ' Motive of Studying Chinese Language

  13. 成人参与学习的动机研究

    Study on the Learning Motivation of Adults

  14. 网络学习环境下,成人对自身学习动机的审视和对外在影响因素的有效利用有助于其持续稳定地进行网络自主学习。

    In online learning environment , Adult scrutiny of their own motivation and effective use of external factors , these all contribute to its sustained and stable network of independent study .

  15. 多数研究结果显示,成人具有多样化的学习动机,而提高工作水平的动机往往占第一位;

    Most of these studies showed adults ' learning motivation was diversiform .

  16. 首先,绪论部分阐述了本研究的背景、意义、研究方法和思路,并对成人高等教育以及学习动机进行了概念界定。

    Firstly , This preface describes the background of this study , significance , research methods and the main thinking , and define Adult higher education earning motivation .

  17. 以问卷、访谈等形式了解了接受远程开放教育的成人学生英语学习的动机和障碍,分析了成人英语学习的特点以及这些特点与英语学习本身的矛盾。

    It explores the adult learners ' motivations and obstacles in English learning by questionnaire and interview , analyzes their learning styles which disagree with the nature of language learning .

  18. 此部分分析了成人一般特征、成人的学习动机和特点,进而描述了高校教师的群体特征,并在以上基础上剖析高校教师培训特点。

    The group features of university teachers are described . The training specialty of the teachers is analyzed based on this description .