
  • 网络Cost Base;Cost Basis
  1. 目前,该公司的盈亏平衡的成本基础明显降低。

    It now enjoys a dramatically lower break-even cost basis .

  2. 在这里,来自全国各地的工程师、物流专家和独立投资人集合到一起,从设计成本基础发展成为讨论制造出一些最终会风行一时的电脑周边产品。

    There , a community of engineers , logistics experts , and individual investors from all over the country had joined together to reverse engineer the cost basis to manufacture what would eventually emerge as a hit computer peripheral product .

  3. 降低和重构成本基础。

    Reduce and reshape our cost base .

  4. 当然,裁员能降低花旗的成本基础,最终提振收益。

    Granted , job cuts will reduce Citi 's cost base , eventually boosting earnings .

  5. 论文在分析快速公交三种不同调度形式特点和系统的成本基础上,采用数学建模的方法建立快速公交组合调度模型。

    Based the different character and system cost , the paper sets up the mathematics model .

  6. 即是高利率和通货紧缩,因之提高了汇率与其所具的成本基础。

    High interest rates and deflation push up the exchange rate and with it the cost base .

  7. 公司的其它目标,如2009年削减10%的成本基础,也同样富有挑战性。

    Other targets , such as lopping 10 per cent off the cost base in 2009 , are similarly ambitious .

  8. 虽然,成本基础计价方法简单易行,但它有一些缺点。

    Although the cost approach to setting transfer prices is relatively simple to apply , it has some major defects .

  9. 在15家大银行防止违约成本基础上,信用导数研究所设计了一个映射危险指数。

    Credit Derivatives Research has devised a counterparty-risk index , based on the cost of insuring against default of15 large banks ;

  10. 多数制造商是通过把成本基础多样化,或者是专门生产价格竞争不激烈的高价值产品而做到这一点的。

    Most have done so by diversifying their cost base or by specialising in high-value products that do not compete intensively on price .

  11. 建立在历史成本基础上的传统观点常常认为,相关性和可靠性是相互矛盾的,二者不可兼得。

    Based on historical cost , traditional views often think it is contradictory between relativity and dependability , and canst be gained simultaneously .

  12. 数字化普及带来的第一个影响可能是改变了支持电子化银行的成本基础。

    The first big impact of widespread digitisation is likely to be a transformation of the cost base of those banks that embrace it .

  13. 低成本基础设施与资源的充分运用,使得kic-菲律宾能够为全球各地提供无与伦比的具备扩展的、可靠的以及安全的外包服务。

    Leveraging with its low-cost infrastructure and resources , kic-philippines is able to deliver an unparallel scalable , reliable and secured outsourcing service globally .

  14. 他说:我们想做的是,将更多的成本基础从日元转向美元。

    What we [ want ] to do is shift more of our cost from a yen base to a dollar base , he said .

  15. 虽然有上述缺点,但因为成本基础的内部转让价格易于理解和运用,仍受到普遍的使用。

    Despite these shortcomings , cost-based transfer prices are in fairly common use . Advocates argue that they are easily understood and highly convenient to use .

  16. 以模型化方法定量研究了作业生产能力约束下的标准作业成本基础转移定价方法,可实现对企业内各分部生产采购决策的有效引导。

    A transfer pricing system based on standard activity cost with capacity constraints is proposed with quantitative study which can induce the divisions ′ production and purchasing decisions .

  17. 在此基础上,本文以国际贸易的要素和成本基础扩张为前提,构建了基于国际贸易的全成本的广义比较成本优势理论。

    On the above basis , the dissertation constructs the generalized comparative cost advantage theory on the premise of the expansion of factor and cost foundation of international trade .

  18. 外包业成本基础(主要是人力)富有弹性,市场面向全球(尽管严重向美国倾斜),而且商业模式也卓有成效。

    The cost base , being mainly people , is flexible . The marketplace , while heavily tilted towards the US , is global . And the formula works .

  19. 王正华承认,他的航空公司成本基础很高,因此必须尽可能地削减其他可变成本。

    Mr. Wang concedes that his airline 's cost base is high . ' And so we have to reduce other variable costs as much as we can . '

  20. 研究发现,过去两年内,尽管投资回报率猛降、资产管理规模也有所下滑,但欧洲私人银行及其它财富管理公司却没有改变它们的成本基础。

    European private banks and other wealth managers have maintained their cost base over the past two years , despite plunging investment returns and declining assets under management , RBS found , eroding returns for their clients .

  21. 建议矿产资源资产在初次确认和计量时按历史成本基础进行,在财务报表上按历史成本基础进行反映,同时按价值基础进行补充揭示。

    It is suggested that mineral resources assets should be accounted as the historical cost foundation when first confirmed and measured , reflected in the financial statement according to the historical cost foundation , and simultaneously explored complementary according to value foundation .

  22. 作业基础预算(Activity-BasedBudgeting,简称ABB)管理是建立在作业成本法基础上的一种新型预算管理方法。

    Activity-Based Budgeting management is a new type of budgeting management based on ABC .

  23. 提出应该在逐步考虑农业用水的环境外部性收益和机会成本的基础上,建立符合市场经济条件并与绿色GDP核算体系相适应的水价体系。

    It proposes that the pricing system should be established to accord with the conditions of market economy and the system of green GDP calculation , basing on gradually considering the profit from environment externality and opportunity cost of agricultural irrigation water .

  24. 本文在分析QoS路由策略成本的基础上,基于利用BE模式的计算信息的设想,将BE模式扩展成QoS模式,建立QoS路由策略的双水平-多目标规划模型,提出模型的求解方法。

    This paper analyses the cost of QoS routing protocal and uses the calculation information for BE model to extend BE model to the QoS model . It builds a model of bilevel - multiobjective programming for QoS routing protocal , and then the solving manner is discussed .

  25. 难道你让我们0.20/PC美元的平均成本的基础上给予每起订量款式及颜色的机器人环?

    Could you get us the robot ring for an average cost of $ 0.20/PC based on given MOQ per style & color ?

  26. 以全部投资成本为基础计量企业人力资源价值

    Using the Investment Costs of Human Resources To Measure Human Resources Value

  27. 以财务成本为基础的人力资源会计观

    Viewpoint on Human Resources Accounting based on financial cost

  28. 集成成本管理基础理论研究

    Research on the Basic Theory of Integrated Cost Management

  29. 建立以成本为基础的会计计量机制

    Establishing the Mechanism of Accounting Measurement Based on Cost

  30. 可以在基于费率的资源成本的基础上输入每次使用成本。

    Per-use costs can be entered in addition to a rate-based resource cost .