
  • 网络R-S;G-I;P-Q;D-F;W-Z;J-M;N-O
  1. 而他却决定继续学习。他去了英国牛津大学皇后学院。哈勃解释说,“星云”这一天文术语已经传下来几个世纪,用来描述太阳系以外永久性的云区。

    The astronomical term " nebulae , " Hubble explained , had come down through the centuries .

  2. 附录中包含了许多不同的表,包括天文术语的含义信息、所有的星座名称以及希腊字母表。

    The appendix contains a number of different tables , including information about the meaning of astronomical terms , the names of all the constellations , and the Greek alphabet .

  3. 在天文上,本术语指的是观测的参考星的位置(或星等)与星表上的该星的位置(或星等)的差值。

    In Astrometry , the term is applied to the difference between the observed position ( or magnitude ) of a reference star and the position ( or magnitude ) listed in the star catalog .