
  • 网络Astronomy and Geography;Science
天文地理 [tiān wén dì lǐ]
  • [knowledge] 用天文地理来泛指知识、学问,这种说法由来已久,例如许多旧小说中说到一个人很有学问,就说他上知天文,下知地理

  • 你莫看他样子蠢,还蛮有灵气,晓得的天文地理还蛮多哩

  1. 无论是天文地理、制器营造,还是风俗制度、医学文艺无不以身体为皈依。

    Astronomy and geography , system construction , or a custom system , medical literature and art are in the body as the conversion .

  2. 《全宋笔记》(第二编)共十本书,四十三种笔记,内容相当丰富,轶闻琐事、考据辨证、风土人情、天文地理、典章制度等。

    " Quansongbiji "( second ) a total of ten books , forty-three kinds of notes , content rich , anecdote trifles , textual criticism and dialectic , local customs and practices , astronomy and geography , laws and regulations etc. .

  3. 红塔集团开发天文地理旅游项目的建议

    Suggestions on Hong Ta Group 's Tourism Program of Developing

  4. 鲁山顶峰观日出海上的天文地理研究

    Studying Geography Astronomical and geographical study on watching sunrise from sea on the peak of Mountain Lu

  5. 不通天文地理,不达音律美学,却爱爬山涉水,自称行者逍遥。

    Astronomy barrier of geography , not up to the aesthetic temperament , but love hiking wading , unless claiming to be Happy .

  6. 引言在中国的天人观念中,自然是天道的产物和表现者,人文源于天文地理、源于自然的认识对中国文化发生了深远影响。

    In Chinese notions on heaven and human being , nature is the effect and embodiment of Dao ( nature law in Chinese culture ) .

  7. 由于新标准的修订和十进制浮点乘法运算应用的广泛性,本模型设计在银行、金融、生物医学、医疗、天文地理、数据采集和图像压缩等专业领域具有一定的实际意义。

    As the new standard decimal floating point multiplication revision and application broadly , This model design is practical significance in the banking , financial , biomedical , medical , astronomy , geography , data acquisition and image compression and other professional fields .

  8. 先民们观察天文地理,揭示出美的规律,概括为错杂成文的审美观念,并用来描述丰富多彩的社会美以及反映社会美和自然美的艺术美。

    The ancient people , through careful observation of the things in the world , discovered the law of beauty and generalized as the aesthetic concept " interlacing makes Wen ", with which they portrayed the colorful social beauty and reflected the artistic beauty of the social and natural beauty .

  9. 书的种类涉及天文、地理、历史、科普、文学等方面。

    The types of book range from science , geography , history , literature and etc.

  10. 詹姆斯精通天文和地理。

    Jamesis conversant with chronometer and geography .

  11. 它是根据天文和地理通过观察和探索的独特组合。

    It is based on a unique combination of astronomy and geography through observation and exploration .

  12. 兴趣、爱好广泛,喜欢音乐、文学艺术,对天文、地理、自然、神秘文化等感兴趣。

    I like music , literature , and have interest on astronomy , geography , nature and mysterioso cultures , etc.

  13. 在学术上不但促进了天文、地理、物理等具体学科的发展,也与当时中国学术界兴起的实学相互促进。

    They help the development of Astronomy , geography , physics , as well as the practical science of Chinese academia .

  14. 十九岁加入天主教耶稣会,他追随博学的格拉维斯神父学习数学,天文,地理科学知识,成绩卓着。

    He joined the Society of Jesus at the age of19.He studied mathematics , astronomy , geography and other sciences , achieving brilliant scores .

  15. 茶山实学涉及天文,地理,医学,政治,经济,文学,水利等方面,并在诸多领域中取得很高成就。

    The subjects of Ta-san Practical Learning involved astronomy , geography , medicine , politics , literature and water conservancy , in which great achievements were made .

  16. 游戏在三尺之局中融入了兵种、武将、天文和地理等数十种属性,不同的属性相克相生。

    In game three feet into the Bureau of the arms , generals , astronomy and geography , and so on dozens of properties , different properties with Aioi grams .

  17. 这部著作主要叙述政治事件,但是也包括礼仪、音乐、天文、地理、经济等学科。

    He devoted most of his attention to political events , but the work also covered such diverse subjects as rites , music , astronomy , geography , and economy .

  18. 通古斯萨满教是古代文化的聚合体,包括宗教、哲学、历史、经济、道德、婚姻、文艺、民俗、天文、地理、医学等内容,有多方面的文化史价值。

    The Tungusic Shamanism is a compound cultural body including religion , philosophy , history , economy , moral , marriage , literature and art , folk , astronomy , geography , and medicine .

  19. 根据《方言词汇调查手册》,此部分按照天文、地理、身体器官等类别把2600个左右的保靖方言常用词汇分成32类。

    According to " dialect vocabulary investigation handbook " this part according to the classifications such as astronomy , geography and body organ 2600 around Baojing dialect use vocabulary frequently the 32 kinds of dividing .

  20. 中国佛教文化经由朝鲜半岛传入日本的同时,也将中国的文字、文化、艺术以及当时的农业生产技术、天文、地理、医药等科学一并传入了日本。

    At the same time , as the Chinese Buddhism was introduced to Japan , the Chinese character , culture , art as well as the agricultural production technique , astronomy , geography , medicine ect .

  21. 因而,在把基督教传进来的同时,他们也把意大利的近代科学文化如天文、地理、数学、水利、音乐、美术等传入了中国。

    Therefore , while transmitting Christianity into China , they also introduced modern science and culture of Italy such as astronomy , geography , mathematics , water conservancy , music , arts and so on to China .

  22. 此外,《东西洋考》还为近代汉语创制了天文、地理、政治、经济、司法、教育、动物等多领域的大量新词。

    In addition , Eastern Western Monthly Magazine invented a large number of new words to Modern Chinese , which involved the following area , astronomy , geography , political , economic , judicial , education , animal etc.

  23. 时间序列广泛存在于自然界和社会生活的各个方面,在经济、金融、工程技术、天文、地理、气象和生物等领域很多数据是以时间序列的形式出现的。

    Time series exist widely in either nature or society . Data is in the form of time series in many domains such as economic , finance , engineer , technology , astronomy , geography , meteorology or biology .

  24. 水环境作为一个开放的大系统,其中很多信息都存在着一定的不确定性,水文水资源领域中的数据,总是受天文、地理、人为活动等众多因素的影响。

    As an open large-scale system , much information in water environment has some uncertainty . data in hydrology and water resources was influenced by many factors , such as astronomical 、 geographical and artificial activities and so on .

  25. 其应用领域也迅速从数学、信号处理扩展到物理、天文、地理、生物、化学等诸多学科,称为继傅立叶分析之后的又一有力分析工具。

    Its theory develops to be flawless in a surprising speed , and its applying domain extends from math signal processing to physics astronomy geography biology chemical etc. Wavelet is considered to be another powerful analysis tool after Fourier analysis .

  26. 该书全文约22万字,其内容涉及到当时及历史上诸如思想、文化、政治、经济、社会、生活、天文、地理等方方面面,蕴含了极为丰富的语言现象。

    The full text of the book about 22 million words , which relate to time and history , such as ideology , culture , political , economic , social , life , astronomy , geography and other aspects , contains a very rich vocabulary .

  27. 从经济、金融到工程技术,从天文、地理到气象,从医学到生物,几乎在各个领域中都涉及到时间序列。对时间序列数据进行统计分析及推断,被称为时间序列分析。

    Time series is a data series observed over time which can be found in almost all fields such as economic , finance , technology , astronomy , geography , meteorology , medicine , biology and etc. Statistical analysis and inference of time series is named time series analysis .

  28. 纬书中不乏有价值的内容,保存了大量有关天文、地理、宗教、文化、神话、历史等方面的知识与见解,对研究古代神话、历史、科学、文学等方面都有重要的史料价值。

    Moreover , there is a great deal of information and opinion on the astronomy , geography , religion , culture , myth and history in the book , so it is helpful to the study of the ancient myths , history , science , literature and other important aspects .

  29. 早在公元前二千五百年,中国人就开始了仰观天文、俯察地理的活动,逐渐形成了“天人合一”的宇宙观。

    As early as2,500 BC , Chinese began astronomical observation and geographical survey , and gradually formed a world outlook of an integration of the universe and humanity .

  30. 当中国天文学家和地理学家张衡想画一幅天体地图时,他对简单的纸制地图并不满意。

    When Zhang Heng , the Chinese astronomer and geographer , wanted to draw a map of the heavens , he wasn 't satisfied with a simple paper map .