
  1. Jamboree是一个简单的音乐播放器,它具有D-BUS接口,以使得它可以被告知播放、到下一首歌、改变音量等等。

    Jamboree is a simple music player that has a D-BUS interface so that it can be told to play , go to the next song , change the volume , and so on .

  2. 印度的蓝色罗宾有一首简单的音乐歌。

    The Indian Blue Robin has a simple musical song .

  3. 但是这初学的简单的音乐,却得到了你的赏识。

    But the simple Carol of this novice struck at your love .

  4. 我喜欢写一些非常简单的音乐,仅仅是用一把吉他和一段旋律。

    I like to just write simply , with a guitar and a melody .

  5. 放大画面,电影让人想起早期的视频游戏,尤其是当男孩伴随着简单的音乐和声效将球抛向画面另一侧时。

    When hugely magnified , the movie is reminiscent of early video games , particularly when the boy bounces the ball off the side of the frame accompanied by simple music and sound effects .

  6. 她生来就喜爱音乐,那是她那位喜欢唱民歌的母亲遗传给她的,她这种爱好使最简单的音乐也具有了一种力量,有时候差不多能把她的心从胸膛里给掏出来。

    That innate love of melody , which she had inherited from her ballad-singing mother , gave the simplest music a power over her which could well-nigh drag her heart out of her bosom at times .

  7. 但是这初学的简单的音乐,却得到了你的赏识。一支忧郁的小调,和世界的伟大音乐融合了,你还带了花朵作为奖赏,下了宝座停留在我的草舍门前。

    But the simple carol of this novice struck at your love . One plaintive little strain mingled with the great music of the world , and with a flower for a prize you came down and stopped at my cottage door .

  8. ClassicsOnline是一个简单的在线音乐CD订购系统。

    Classics Online is a simple , online music CD-ordering system .

  9. 摘要介绍了一种简单的电子音乐播放电路的实现方案。

    This article introduced an implementation scheme of a simple digital music player .

  10. 流行于美国西部的一种简单的民间音乐;通常用有弦乐器演奏。

    A simple style of folk music heard in the southern US ; usually played on stringed instruments .

  11. 以简单的民间音乐为基础的复杂变化;大量的不同的复杂规则与习俗。

    A complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody ; a complex mass of diverse laws and customs .

  12. 演唱会的重点不是在于它的舞蹈、服装什么的,都在于简单纯粹的音乐,因此每一首歌都特别好听。

    The feature of the concert was not about costumes and dances , but the simple and pure music . Therefore , each song was especially pleasant to hear .

  13. 她教授多种语言(包括法语)、简单的算术、音乐、绘画和历史,当然也许她对于这些并不十分在行。

    She taught multiple languages ( including French , naturellement ), simple arithmetic , music , drawing and history , but perhaps none of them well .

  14. 现代歌曲中的和弦与和弦间的变化更简单,这样的音乐作品悦耳却又有些单调。

    The chords used and the changes between chords are simpler , leading to the production of music that is easy on the ear but contains little variety .

  15. 这些视频把一些简单的教程按音乐,数学和词汇分类,他们的作者宣称这些重要的教育工具有助于儿童在这些领域的技能发展。

    They feature simple lessons in music , math , and vocabulary , and their makers tout them as important educational tools that will help young children build skills in each of these areas .

  16. 对智能仪器中的发声系统进行了研究和归纳,详细介绍了发声系统的工作原理,并对简单的发声系统以及音乐演奏系统的硬件和软件系统进行了设计。

    The vocal system used in intelligent instrument was studied in this paper . The principle of the vocal system was introduced and the hardware and software applied in simple vocal system and musical-playing system were also developed in the study .