
  1. 我不懂电脑,为什么不去问王先生?

    I don 't know the computer why not ask Mr Wang ?

  2. 吉姆正在问王叔叔一些问题。

    Jim is asking Uncle Wang some questions .

  3. 他们说,我们是亚哈谢的弟兄,现在下去要问王的众子和太后的众子安。

    And they said , we are the brothers of ahaziah , and have come down to greet the sons of the king and the sons of the queen mother .

  4. 王上18:20亚哈就差遣人招聚以色列众人、和先知、都上迦密山。回答说,我们是亚哈谢的弟兄,现在下去要问王和太后的众子安。

    So Ahab sent a message among all the sons of Israel and brought the prophets together at Mount Carmel . And they answered , We are the brethren of Ahaziah ; and we go down to salute the children of the king and the children of the queen .

  5. 顺便问一下,王小姐,什么是键盘?

    By the way , what 's the keyboard , miss wang ?

  6. 我问你认识王发多久。

    I said * How long do you know him ?

  7. 魔鬼问大仁慈王还有什么他们能为他做的。

    The demons asked King Goodness if there was anything else they could do .

  8. 成为问问题之王

    Be the King or Queen of Questions

  9. 各位参议员同僚有什么要问的吗?王议员?

    Is there any questions or comments from council colleagues , council member Wang ?

  10. 王问他说,王所喜悦尊荣的人,当如何待他呢。

    And the king said unto him , What shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour ?