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  1. 特别是随着网络科技的运用与普及,对问题官员的网络举报与网络监督俨然已发展成十分有效的模式。

    Especially with the use of network technology and the popularity of the " problem officers " as if the network monitoring and network reporting has become a very effective model .

  2. 事实上,近年来,所查处的很多问题官员当中,其中有不少都是借节日期间大肆收受礼品,继而使得自己在腐败堕落的道路上愈陷愈深,越走越远。

    As a matter of fact , in recent years , among those officials who have been arrested , a lot of them took the opportunity of festivals to gain gifts and left themselves falling deeper and deeper in the way of corruption .

  3. 联合国气候变化问题最高官员伊沃德布尔(YvodeBoer)表示,哥本哈根会议必须形成这样一种机制将促成迅速的减排行动,配置新技术,在发展中国家形成减排能力。

    Yvo de Boer , the UN 's top climate change official , said Copenhagen must produce mechanisms ... that will allow for prompt action on emissions , to deploy new technologies , and to build capacity in developing countries .

  4. 东盟环境问题高级官员会议

    Meeting of the ASEAN Senior Officials on the Environment

  5. 亚洲及太平洋药物滥用问题高级官员会议

    Meeting of Senior Officials on Drug Abuse Issues in Asia and the Pacific

  6. 亚洲及太平洋环境与发展问题高级官员会议

    Meeting of Senior Officials on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific

  7. 妇女参与发展问题高级官员会议

    Meeting of Senior Officials on Women in Development

  8. 第六个问题为官员离任和赴任之时的待遇。

    The sixth question and assume office for the official departure time of treatment .

  9. 因此,我们正在就野生动物犯罪问题对官员进行培训,并提高检察官的认知,同时帮助各国加强执法工作。

    That 's why we are training officials and educating prosecutors about wildlife crimes and helping countries strengthen their enforcement laws .

  10. 不必要的繁文缛节真正有智慧的人们开始嘲笑那个注重繁文缛节的部长,仅仅把他看成一个处理琐碎问题的官员。

    The men of more dazzling genius began to sneer at the red-tape minister as a mere official manager of details .

  11. 这些申请将从移民法庭被转移到国土安全部,将新增1000名处理移民庇佑问题的官员。

    They 'd be moved from immigration courts to the Homeland Security Department , which would add 1000 new asylum officers .

  12. 这就是中国的问题,官员总认为自己的工资并不高,可这60万是普通百姓一辈子也挣不来的呀。

    This is China 's problem , officials always thought that wages and not high , can the60 million people are ordinary people earning a lifetime can not know either .

  13. 为了应对这个问题,官员们呼吁居民不要使用某些设施——是的,对许多人来说很不幸,包括空调在内——官员们要求他们甚至在一天中最热的时候也不要使用空调。

    In order to try and fight that , officials are asking residents not to use certain appliances -- and yes , unfortunately for many of them , that includes air conditioners -- they 're asked not to use even those during the hottest part of the day .

  14. 中国国家发改委(ndrc)负责节水、能源效率和环保问题的高级官员何炳光指出,各省的发改委不归北京总部直接管理。

    He Bingguang , a senior official responsible for water conservation , energy efficiency and environmental issues at the national development and Reform Commission , notes that the provincial staff of his department do not report directly to the headquarters in Beijing .

  15. 政府降低的税收;这个问题涉及高层官员。

    The government reduced taxes ; the matter was referred to higher authorities .

  16. 柬埔寨问题委员会高级官员

    Senior Officials of the Committee on Kampuchea

  17. 而在德国退休的快速增加比失业问题更令官员们头疼。

    And in Germany-the rapid pace of retirements has become a bigger issue than unemployment .

  18. 这让为安全问题忧心忡忡的官员们为之一振。

    That gives security-conscious officials the shivers .

  19. 在美国,保护网络空间安全看似是一个国内问题,尽管官员们知道这绝不是美国一国的事情。

    Protection of cyberspace in the US seems like a domestic issue , though officials know it is transnational .

  20. 听录音,然后回答问题。海关官员有什么疑问吗?

    Listen to the tape , then answer this question : is there a problem with the customs officer ?

  21. 他曾是军队精神健康方面的专家,为战士们治疗战后影响问题。相关官员称,军队正在部署前往伊拉克和阿富汗时,哈桑向手无寸铁的士兵开枪。

    He was one of the Army 's mental health professionals working with soldiers to deal with the effects of war .

  22. 但是该事件提出了一个技术问题:埃及官员是怎样得以关闭全国的互联网服务的呢?

    But it d a technical question . Just how were Egyptian officials able to shut down Internet service in their country ?

  23. 当王健林警告说:如果总是吃麦当劳(McDonald's)、看美国电影,最终会给我们的民族文化和信仰带来问题。很多官员都深以为是。

    Many officials will also agree with Mr Wang when he warns that always eating McDonald 's and watching US films will eventually cause problems for our national culture and beliefs .

  24. 我们的研究表明,风险管理责任到人是另一个关键问题:专职官员(一般职务为首席风险官)负责必不可少。

    Our research indicates that ownership of risk management is another key issue ; having a dedicated executive in place – often called the chief risk officer ( CRO ) – is essential to mastering this problem .

  25. 因为有国家的支持,人们很难将问题归咎于地方官员。

    The national endorsement has made it difficult to pin the problems on local officials .

  26. 问题4:政府官员提议如何保护濒临灭绝的鱼类?

    Question4 : What did government 's officials propose to do to protect the endangered fish ?

  27. 当被问及资金问题时,中国官员未予回答,但要求美国加大减排力度。

    Chinese officials did not respond when asked about financing , but demanded greater US emissions cuts .

  28. 我国当前社会道德问题的焦点在于官员道德问题,解决这个问题的关键在于治理官德失范。

    The focus question of the social morality at present of our country lies in the morality of the official .

  29. 一名长期处理此问题的日方高级官员说朝鲜外交官做任何事都是靠最高层的指示。

    One senior Japanese official with long dealings says that North Korean diplomats do nothing without directions from the highest level .

  30. 高尔夫在中国存在严重的形象问题,任何高层官员都不敢在公开场合打高尔夫。

    Golf has a severe image problem in China , and no senior official would dare be caught playing the game in public .