
  • 网络problem structure;issue-structure
  1. 以问题结构为基础的递归程序设计

    Recursive program design based on the problem structure

  2. 类比迁移的成绩只受到源问题结构清晰度的影响;

    The scores of analogous transfer were only affected by the clearness of problem structure .

  3. 决策问题结构的形式化研究

    A Formal Study on the Structure of Decision Problems

  4. 探讨教育理论的问题结构及其独特意义,可以认为教育理论的进步也意味着对教育条件的认识所取得的进步。

    A study of the structure and the unique significance of theoretical issues in education can help us believe that the progress of educational theory also implies the progress in our understanding of educational conditions .

  5. 根据两型化程度评价问题结构特点,本文从矢量投影的角度,应用灰色决策方法,构建了评价两型化程度的灰色关联投影模型。

    According to the structural features of Two-oriented Society evaluation , this article from the perspective of vector projection , use gray decision-making method to construct the grey correlative projection model of evaluation of Two-oriented Society .

  6. 给出了关于决策问题结构的几个定理,讨论了决策问题结构化的测度,提出了决策问题简化的判据。

    Some theorems on the structure of decision problems are given , and a measure of the structured degree for decision problems is discussed . Finally , a criterion for the simplification of decision problems is put forward .

  7. 非线性最小二乘问题的结构p步牛顿法

    Structured p step Newton Algorithm for Nonlinear Least Square Problems

  8. 面向复杂决策问题的结构计算方法研究

    Research on the structure computation method for complex decision - making problems

  9. 求解具有爬升约束机组调度问题的结构动态规划法研究

    Scheduling generating units with ramping constraints using constructive dynamic programming

  10. 建筑施工过程中的问题与结构设计探索

    On Problems and Structural Design in Building Construction

  11. 空间结构的稳定分析,是结构工程设计中非常重要的问题,结构设计中必须考虑稳定问题以防止结构发生失稳。

    The stability analysis of space structures is very important problems in structure designing .

  12. 通过求解一体化设计问题,结构参数和控制参数同时得到优化。

    The structural parameters and control parameters are optimized simultaneously by solving the integrated design problem .

  13. 结构局部刚度改变问题在结构有限元计算时常会遇到,例如:结构物个别构件的破坏或损伤、构件的局部屈服等等。

    The problem arises in finite element analysis of structures with some damaged components or yielding elements .

  14. 如今,越来越多的研究领域开始采用贝叶斯网展示问题的结构。

    Bayesian networks are used to show the structure of the problem in much more research fields .

  15. 关于我国发展超临界变压运行锅炉的若干问题变结构控制及其在水电站机组控制中的应用

    On the Development of Variable Pressure Supercritical Units in China Variable Structure Control and Its Application to Hydroelectric Generating Units

  16. 第一章简单介绍了本文的目标、研究的问题和结构。

    Chapter One is a brief introduction about the motivation , objectives , research questions and organization of the thesis .

  17. 因此建筑结构的抗震问题是结构设计中需要考虑的重要问题之一。

    So , antiseismic building structures are one of the most important aspect need to be considered in the structural design .

  18. 从结构上来挖掘生物分子在生命过程中的作用,首先要解决的问题就是结构预测。

    To make clear biological molecular functions in the process of life from its structure , structure prediction should be an essential question .

  19. 得出求职问题数据库结构,生成职业信息表、可拓变换表以及一阶传导变换表。

    Obtained the database structure of job problems , generated career information table , extension transformation table and an order of conduction transformation table .

  20. 利用冲突问题的结构表示来对问题进行分析,并提出了通过冲突结构得到冲突的自动生成算法。

    With analyzing the specific problems by the structure expression of conflict problems , an algorithm for conflicts'automatic generation based on conflicts'structure is presented .

  21. 在结构体系可靠度的计算中,一个急待解决的问题是结构构件或截面间的失效相关性问题。

    During the calculation of reliability of structure system , failure dependency of the components or the sections is one of the key problems .

  22. 结构噪声的研究与控制是学术界,工程界普遍关心的问题,结构与声腔耦合后的声振耦合特性及其声辐射特性的研究尤其受到重视。

    Structure-borne noise control is a common academic and engineering concern . Structure-acoustic coupling characteristics and the sound radiation characteristics are given particular attention .

  23. 建立其数学模型,通过仿真研究了此类泵的设计过程中常见的吸油不足、输出压力脉动以及容积效率低下等问题与其结构参数以及运行状态的关系。

    Its mathematic model was established and the common design problems of insufficient oil suction , output pressure fluctuation and low efficient were studied by simulation .

  24. 本文主要研究了供应链中的牛鞭效应问题,结构安排是,第一章介绍了论文的研究背景和意义以及前人的研究成果。

    Its structure is arranged as follow : The first chapter introduces background and significance of the research as well as the results of previous research .

  25. 用蒙特卡罗方法求解幅射换热问题的结构有限单元的形状因子矩阵

    The computation of the shape factor matrix for a finite-element model of mechanical construction by the Monte Carlo method for the solution of radiation heat transfer problems

  26. 本文在建立鼓式制动器高频噪声问题的结构闭环耦合计算模型的基础上,对某国产车的高频噪声问题进行了计算分析。

    In the paper , a computational analysis on drum brake squeal in some home - made vehicles is carried out based on close - loop coupling model .

  27. 最后讨论了结构稳定问题和结构强度问题在概念上和分析方法上的区别,可供材料力学和结构力学教学中参考。

    The differences between structure stability problems and strength problems are also discussed . All this can be helpful in the teaching of Material Mechanics and Structure Mechanics .

  28. 我国经济建设存在的突出问题是结构不合理,目前宏观调控的重点之一是调整和优化产业结构。

    One of the main problems in our country 's economical construction is the unreasonable economical structure , so one key policy of macro-economical control is to adjust and optimize its industrial structures .

  29. 通过调整结构剪力墙的厚度和间距解决了建筑平面偏长的问题,结构的刚度分布和位移反应比较合理。

    By adjusting the thickness and space of the shear wall , the problem that the plane is a bit long is solved , and the rigidity distribution and displacement response are reasonable .

  30. 在访谈、开放式调查和探索性因素分析的基础上,对中学生考试心理问题的结构进行了验证性因素分析并考察了《中学生考试心理和行为问题症状自评量表》的有效性。

    Based on interviews , open-ended surveys and exploratory factor analysis , we tested the dimension of the examination mental problem of middle school students and the validity of the measurement scale ( EMP ) .