
  • 网络Security reserve;Safety stock;margin of safety
  1. 两线穿越铁路的测试结果表明,地表沉降控制在2cm左右,管片结构的横向受力的安全储备较高;

    The result of field test shows that surface subsidence has be controlled at about lcm and the safety stock of stress in cross direction acts on the duct piece of lining is much higher .

  2. 订购及管理备件,控制备件的安全储备。

    Order & manage spare parts with necessary safety stock .

  3. 并且提出通过降低c和φ值的方法,得出路堤稳定的安全储备系数。

    Then by reducing c and φ values , the security reserve coefficient of embankment stability is obtained .

  4. 为了达到等强度的设计,提出按现行设计方法设计时,需适当加强上柱的安全储备及其延性。色谱条件:色谱柱为C(18)柱;

    In order to obtain equal-strength both in upper and lower columns , an increase in safety factor and ductility of upper column is more preferable while using the present design method .

  5. 采用降低c和tanφ值的思路得出土坡稳定的安全储备系数,并与定值方法指标进行比较。

    Meanwhile , lowering the value of c and tan φ, soil stable safe reserve coefficient could be gained , which was compared with the safe coefficient and reliability index that was obtained by the way of deterministic method .

  6. 龄期大于28d的岩锚梁,振动速度不超过7cm/s的控制标准有一定安全储备。

    And the PPV of 7 cm / s for rock-anchored beam with an age older than 28 d has certain safety margin .

  7. 分析了中主应力对计算结果的影响,反应中主应力影响的参数b越小,安全储备越高,b取0时统一强度理论即为Mohr-Coulomb强度理论。

    The intermediate principle stress influences on calculation results is analyzed , the less the parameter b reacted intermediate principle stress influence , the higher the safety margin , the unified strength theory is just Mohr-Coulomb strength theory when b is equal to 0 .

  8. 从反复加载试验可知,FG24、SG20、GG24的位移延性系数高,安全储备较大,构件的恢复能力很强,残余挠度都比较小。

    From the experimental study of the recurrent load , we can know that FG24 / SG20 / GG24 have the high displacement ductility modulus and the high safety space and the good resilience and the small residual deflection .

  9. 中国粮食安全储备及其规模确定

    Analyses of the Repertory Scale for Food Security in China

  10. 原桥具有足够的安全储备。

    In a word , the bridge is designed with enough safety reserve .

  11. 中国粮食安全储备预警研究

    Study on Reserve Precaution of Grain Safety in China

  12. 关于滑坡安全储备衡量系数问题的讨论

    Discussion on Landslide Safety Repertory Factor Weighed stock pile

  13. 国家石油安全储备体系的分析和研究

    Analysis and Research of National Petroleum Safety Reserve Systems

  14. 重力坝有限元法计算的参数取值和安全储备

    Parameters Value and Safe Storing for Finite Element Method Analysis of Gravity Dam

  15. 试验中还通过超载系数,提供了一个安全储备的定量评估指标。

    The test provides a quantitative evaluating index for safety storage with overload coefficient .

  16. 论影响我国粮食安全储备的因素

    The factors influencing safety of grain storage

  17. 桥上无缝线路纵向力作用下桥墩强度安全储备量分析

    An Analysis on Safety Reservation of Bridge Piers with Continuously Welded Rails under Longitudinal Forces

  18. 索梁锚固区的极限承载力为设计荷载的3.07倍,有一定的安全储备。

    The ultimate bearing capacity of anchorage zone attains 3.07 times as much as its designed load .

  19. 显然,这对于解决岩体工程问题中的强度取值和安全储备系数等问题具有重要意义。

    Undoubtedly , it is significant for evaluating the strength and safety factor in rock engineering problems .

  20. 滑坡整体安全储备不足,局部不稳定,需对其进行综合治理。

    The overall landslide lack of security reserve , local instability , needs to be comprehensive management .

  21. 通过控制检测值之安全储备的方向性,可以降低工程施工质量的风险程度。

    Controlling the orientation of testing value of safety margine can reduce the risk of engineering construction quality .

  22. 通过对侧向挡块进行结构强度检算,认为侧向挡块具有较高的安全储备量。

    Based on the structural strength calculating , it 's confirmed that lateral block have high security reserves .

  23. 基坑支护体系是临时结构,安全储备较小,具有较大风险;

    Bracing of foundation pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller , more risk .

  24. 同时,按不同国家规范规定计算结构构件的安全储备并进行比较。

    Comparison of the structural safety level of different periods of China and that of different countries are made .

  25. 喷层、二次衬砌及锚杆均在弹性范围内工作,并且有较大的安全储备。

    All the shotcretes , second linings and rock bolts work within the elastic range , and have larger safety reserves .

  26. 基于美日英法石油战略储备的中国石油安全储备的分析与对策研究

    Analysis and Countermeasure Study on Petroleum Security in China Based on Petroleum Strategic in America , Japan , England and France

  27. 高强材料的应用可以使得结构的安全储备能力得到很大提高。

    But from the view of safety , the application of high-strength materials can great increase safety margin of a structure .

  28. 在条分法的基础上,提出了安全储备的定义,导出了可靠度指标的计算公式。

    On the basis of the slices method it gives the definition of safety stock and deduces the formula of reliability index .

  29. 结构有较大的安全储备和变形能力,结构整体位移延性系数达到了2.04。本文研究成果可为大型预制预应力混凝土空间结构的推广和应用提供试验与理论依据。

    The structure behaves with a rather sufficient safety margin and a deformation capacity with a displacement ductility coefficient of about 2.04 .

  30. 当时的粮食储运管理工作的得与失,对我们当今的粮食安全储备工作仍不乏其借鉴意义。

    The gain and loss of the management of grain storage and transportation left something useful to our current grain security reserves .