
  1. 装卸搬运机械是现代物流机械中必不可少的机械设备。

    Assemble and unassembled machine is essential mechanical equipment in modern logistics machinery .

  2. 作为一种重要的物流机械&桥式起重机,已经被广泛应用于国民经济的各个领域。

    As important logistics equipment , bridge crane is widely used in various fields of our national economy .

  3. 小型物流机械手的设计

    The Small Logistic Manipulator

  4. 固定式液压登车轿液压登车桥是实现货物快速装卸的专用物流机械。

    The hydraulic dock leveler is a kind of special mechanism which makes speed loading & unloading a reality .

  5. 起重机械广泛应用在各行各业中,它减轻了笨重的体力劳动,提高了作业效率,是现代化工业生产中不可缺少的重要物流机械设备。

    The hoisting machinery was widely used in all walks of life , reducing the heavy manual labor and improving operational efficiency . It was an important and indispensable of logistics equipment in the modernization of industrial production .

  6. 物流中心机械设备数量配置方法研究

    Study on Optimization of Mechanical Equipment Quantity in Logistics Centre ; On the Configuration of Mechanized Construction Equipment of 1000 Meters Wellbore

  7. 三是精通专业技术,如国际贸易、航运、航海、物流、机械、工程、产品加工等知识;

    The third , he should be knowledgeable of relative professional techniques , such as international trade , shipping , navigation , logistics , machines , engineering , products processing , etc.

  8. 第三方物流在农业机械化中应用的理论研究

    Theoretical Research of Third Party Logistics to Be Applied in the Agricultural Mechanization

  9. 企业内部物流管理是机械制造企业管理工作的重要组成部分。

    The in-company logistics management is the important component in machinery manufacturing enterprise management .

  10. 精益物流在工程机械企业中的应用研究

    Application Research on Lean Logistics in Construction Machine

  11. 基于生产物流的SSLP在机械加工车间设施布置中的应用研究

    Application of Production Logistics-based SSLP in the Facility Layout of Mechanical Processing Workshop

  12. 两条生产线采用现代化的物流模式,通过机械自动化传输设备与工艺合理结合,能够实现快速高效的流水线生产。

    Two production lines with modern logistics model By mechanical transmission equipment and process automation reasonable combination to achieve fast and efficient production line .

  13. 物流涉及的领域很多,有物流管理、物流系统规范、物流经济、物流信息化、物流机械、物流设施、物流自动化等。

    Logistics include many fields , such as logistics management , logistics system plan , logistics economy , logistics information , logistics machine , logistics establishment , logistics automation , etc.

  14. 生产物流技术是先进制造技术的重要组成部分,以先进物流技术为支撑的生产物流系统运用机械化和自动化技术提升物流活动的空间和时间效用,实现对生产的促进作用。

    Production logistics technology is an important part of the advanced manufacturing technology , the problems which to solve by the production logistics system is to achieve the mechanization , automation and rationalization of logistics in order to achieve the time and space efficiency of the logistics system .

  15. 其中,物流管理专业主要偏重研究物流管理、物流系统规范、物流经济、物流信息化等领域,物流工程专业主要偏重研究物流系统规范、物流机械、物流设施、物流自动化等领域。

    Logistics management discipline mainly research logistics management , logistics system plan , logistics economy , logistics information , etc. Logistics engineering discipline mainly research logistics system planning , logistics machine , logistics establishment , logistics automation , etc.