
  • 网络logistics distribution mode
  1. 提出电子商务环境下,对家电连锁物流配送模式选择决策的一些建议,为B2C电子商务环境下家电连锁企业物流配送模式选择决策提供一定的理论指导。

    The electronic commerce environment , some suggestions for the home appliance chain logistics distribution mode selection decision , provide some theoretical guidance for the B2C e-commerce environment of home appliance chain enterprises logistics mode decision .

  2. 论文总结完善了物流配送模式和物流信息系统理论。

    The thesis summarize and perfect the theory about logistics distribution mode and the logistics information system .

  3. 我国现阶段电子商务B2C类型物流配送模式的经济学分析:以B2C网上书城为例

    The Economic Analysis of Logistics Pattern for B2C E-commerce in China

  4. 电子商务环境中的B2C物流配送模式研究

    Study on B2C Logistics Delivery Model Under Electronic Commerce

  5. B2C网上书店图书物流配送模式研究

    Research on Book Distribution Model of B2C Online Bookstore

  6. 第三章分析了三种不同的物流配送模式下各自的优势与劣势,提出了根据B2C网上书店各自的具体情况选择适合自己的物流配送模式的方法。

    Chapter three analyzes strengths and weaknesses of three different distribution models , and proposes how to choose suitable distribution models for B2C online bookstores under specific circumstances .

  7. 连锁零售企业物流配送模式选择

    How to Choose the Mode of Chain Retailer 's Physical Distribution

  8. 中小企业物流配送模式的分析

    Analysis of Logistics Delivery Model in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  9. 浅析电子商务环境下乡镇企业物流配送模式

    Analysis of the Logistics Distribution Model of Township Enterprises in E-commerce Environment

  10. 广东省鲜活农产品现代物流配送模式的选择

    Modern Logistics and Distribution Mode Selection of Fresh Agricultural Produc in Guangdong Province

  11. 物流配送模式及工作效率需改善。

    Distribution model and efficiency need to be improved .

  12. 川南服装行业批发商物流配送模式分析

    Logistics Distribution Model of Clothing Industry in South Sichuan

  13. 浅析我国连锁零售企业物流配送模式选择

    Selection of Chinese Chain Retail Enterprise 's Distribution Models

  14. 连锁超市的物流配送模式及配送优化策略研究

    The Optimize Strategy of Distribution Patterns in Supermarket Chain

  15. 我国电子商务物流配送模式的运作设计

    On Designing of China 's E-commerce Logistic Model

  16. 中小制造企业物流配送模式选择的研究

    Study on the Choice of Logistics Delivery Model in Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises

  17. 戴尔电脑公司电子商务的物流配送模式。

    The second part is about the way that Dell carries out its Logistics .

  18. 然而,理论界对通借通还的前提&物流配送模式的问题却少有人研究。

    But the precondition of BARA - " Delivery Mode " is lack of being researched .

  19. 商业物流配送模式应用研究

    Research on Commercial Distribution Pattern Application

  20. 网络式物流配送模式初探

    Research on the network-mode logistics distribution

  21. 浙江乡镇电器连锁业务的物流配送模式研究

    A Research into the System of Logistic Distribution and Delivery of the Township Home Appliance Chain Industry in Zhejiang

  22. 运行模式包括企业物流配送模式、系统业务运行模式和系统商业运行模式等三部分内容。

    The system running mode research includes logistics distribution mode among enterprises , system workflow and business mode of system .

  23. 寻找适合中国国情的物流配送模式成为我国物流业所面临的一个重要研究课题。

    How to find the reasonable logistics distribution mode adapting to China is an important problem involved in the development of logistics .

  24. 通过对国内外物流配送模式的分析,重点讨论了现在流行的第三方物流配送模式,连锁物流配送,战略合作联盟物流配送方式,包括与供应商合作配送,与竞争者合作配送等。

    Also the paper analyzes several typical logistics delivery models including the third-party logistics model , the coordinated logistics model and the self-supporting model etc.

  25. 近年来随着我国电子商务的迅猛发展,电子商务环境下的物流配送模式逐步发生转变。

    With the rapid development of the electronic commerce in recent years , the logistics distribution mode gradually changes under the environment of electronic commerce .

  26. 日本连带式物流配送模式,其实质是把纯流通领域的物流问题转化成涉及供应、生产、销售、消费的物流问题。

    Japanese Line-up distribution model , which reality is to Change logistics in pure circulation into logistics related to supply , production , sale , consumption .

  27. 目前,家电行业物流配送模式主要有五种,各种物流配送模式均有其产生的背景与运作的特点。

    At present , it has five kinds of logistics models in the home appliance industry , each of the logistics model has its own background and advantage .

  28. 为了应对汽车行业日益激烈的竞争,国内很多汽车制造企业开始寻求更加合理的零部件入厂物流配送模式,以求降低物流成本。

    In order to cope with the increasingly fierce competition in auto industry , many domestic auto makers began to seek more reasonable logistics distribution mode for parts - incoming to reduce logistics cost .

  29. 第一节是现代商务中的物流配送模式;第二节是快递业的发展历程和现状,介绍了中国快递业的整体发展历程、民营快递业的发展历程和现状。

    The first section is the models of the logistics ; Section II is development history and current status of the express industry . It emphasizes the whole development history of Chinese express , the development history of the private express industry and its status .

  30. 本文着重的关注点就是根据内外部的条件来设计一种现在和未来数年内最适合该公司发展的物流配送模式,为公司实现战略目标提供物流配送的解决方案。

    The purpose of this paper is not only to design an appropriate model of logistics for our company according to the internal and external condition now and in the next few years , but also to provide a distribution and delivery solution to achieve the strategic objectives .