
  • 网络logistics popularity
  1. 对我国物流热的分析

    Analysis to our country 's logistics popularity

  2. 中国掀起了物流热。

    Logistics is a hot topic in China .

  3. 另一方面,进入21世纪后,全球掀起了一股物流热,第三方物流业在我国也是方兴未艾。

    On the other hand , a wave of Logistics rush into the realms of economy and business management as it entering 21 Century .

  4. 物流热所引发的物流需求客观上要求传统公路货运企业积极参与社会物流活动,密切运输与其它物流环节的联系。

    Because of the logistics demand , traditional highway freight transportation enterprise should be concerned with social logistics and strengthen the relation between transportation and other logistics content .

  5. 伴随着经济的发展和科技的进步,国内掀起一股物流热,而且不断升温。

    Along with the development of economy and the progress of science and technology , China domestic lifted a wave of " logistics " which constantly heating up .

  6. 近一、二年,随着中国入世,国内掀起了“物流热”,最直接的表现形式就是各地在建物流园区。

    Logistics becomes a popular field in pace with China 's entry into WTO in recent years , which has been proved by those logistics zones built almost everywhere .

  7. 近几年来,现代物流热在我国不断升温,现代物流已经得到了政府、企业、科研院校等不同层次的部门或机构的重视。

    In recent years , " modern logistics fever " heats up continually in China , modern logistics has been attended by the government , enterprises , research institutions , such as different levels of the department or agency of the attention .

  8. 换热网络是化工、炼油等过程工业能量回收的重要组成部分,合理有效地组织物流间的热交换,提高热回收能力,对降低能耗、节约成本具有重要意义。

    Heat exchanger network is an important part of energy recovery in chemical , oil refining etc process industry . Organizing heat transfer among streams effectively and improving heat recovery capacity have grate significance for economizing energy and cost saving .

  9. 换热网络需要考虑到网络中物流和换热器的能量平衡,换热中温度范围限制,分流的约束,以及表示换热器存在的逻辑变量约束等大量约束。

    Because heat exchanger networks synthesis need to take into account the energy balance of the streams and heat exchangers , the temperature range , the constraints of the split streams , logic variables of heat exchangers , et al .

  10. 物流分枝与换热网络的合成

    Heat Exchange Network Synthesis by Fluid Branch

  11. 合理有效地组织热物流和冷物流之间的热交换是提高整个工艺设备装置经济性的重要方面。

    Heat transfers appropriately between hot and cold streams are extremely important which can increase the operating performance of the process .

  12. 进入2003年,中国医药物流热度有增无减,全国出现了前所未有的医药物流投资热。

    In 2003 , the heat of the Chinese medicine logistics increase steadily , unprecedented investment boom on medicine logistics appears in whole nation .