
  1. 该集成平台充分实现部门间、企业间的资源共享,提高了物流运作效率和降低物流成本。

    The integrated platform full realize resource sharing among the departments and between the enterprises , improve efficiency of logistics operations and reduce logistics cost .

  2. 应用模糊综合评价方法,以改进城市物流运作效率为目标,从城市物流运作水平和城市物流的社会影响两个方面对城市物流整体发展水平进行研究,给出了城市物流系统的评价指标体系及其说明。

    Using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method , the paper studies the overall situation of urban logistics respectively from its logistics operation and social impacts and puts forward the evaluation index system of urban logistics .

  3. 许多企业为了降低库存成本,提升物流运作效率,越来越重视物流在供应链中所起的作用。与此同时,准时供货的理念及管理方法也在各制造业中传播开来。

    In order to reduce inventory costs and enhance efficiency of logistics operations , many enterprises have paid more attention on the role of logistics in the supply chain . Also , the ideas and management methods of on-time delivery are also used in the different manufacturing industries .

  4. 通过对上海航运业RFID改造可行性的深入分析,寻求一条既能使上海航运物流在运作效率上获得大幅提高、又能使其在整体服务水平上获得进一步提升的有效途径。

    The investigation into upgrading the shipping logistics for Shanghai Port based on the RFID technology is carried out in order to improve the operational efficiency of container handling and upgrade the whole service level .

  5. 21世纪物流系统运作效率高低的主要标志是信息化,其在整个物流活动中起着至关重要作用。

    Information , which plays a vital role in the whole logistics activities , is the main indicator of the level of Logistics system efficiency in 21st century .

  6. 煤炭物流运作的效率直接决定了煤炭企业的生产效率,随着煤炭物流系统的复杂化,对其进行风险分析尤为重要。

    The production efficiency of the coal enterprises mainly depends on the efficiency of the coal logistics . With the increasing complexity of the system , risk analysis is particularly important .

  7. 但是后评价的理论已发展很成熟,在铁路、住宅、医院、学校等领域得到普遍应用,这对于指导物流园区运作效率后评价工作具有重要的现实意义。

    However , the development of post-evaluation theory is very mature , and widely applied to the domain of railroad , housing , hospital and school . Also , this theory has the important practical significance on evaluating the construction project .

  8. 逆向物流运作的效率直接依赖和受限于逆向物流网络结构,结合电子类废旧产品的特点和目前国内实际运作模式,并考虑到法律法规的约束,可以设计电子类产品逆向物流网络的一般结构形式。

    The reverse logistics operational efficiency depends on and is limited by its network structure . Considering the attributes of electronic returns and their practical operational model as well as obligations of the law , a general electronic returns reverse logistics network structure is designed .

  9. 其中物流成本高、运作效率低下、资源利用率低等问题较为突出。

    Especially the questions of high logistics cost , low Operation efficiency and low resources utilization are serious .

  10. 它既是企业信息化和网络化的基础,也是降低物流成本和提高物流运作效率的关键因素。

    It is not only the base of enterprise information and network operation , but also the key factor of reducing the logistics cost and improving the logistics operation efficiency .

  11. 随着制造企业产品市场竞争的日益加剧,成本意识的逐渐提高,降低物流成本,提高物流运作效率已成为制造企业进一步挖掘市场潜力、提高市场竞争力的有效途径。

    With increasing market competition of product and gradually improving cost consciousness of manufacturing enterprise , to reduce logistics costs and improve logistics efficiency has become the effective way to excavate potential market and improve the market competitiveness for manufacturing enterprise .

  12. 研究物流外包对提高企业物流运作效率,推动企业物流社会化运营有重要的意义。

    Studying logistics outsourcing has important significance to improve logistics operation efficiency and promote enterprises logistics socialization .

  13. 同时,也存在着对物流的认识模糊、物流运作效率低下、集约化发展程度不高等问题。

    At the same time , there are many problems , such as fuzzy understanding of logistics ; Logistics operation Inefficiency ; intensive development level is not high .

  14. 合理、高效、科学的物流管理是企业提高物流运作效率、降低物流运营成本、增强市场竞争力的关键。

    A reasonable , high-efficient and scientific logistics management is a key element to help the manufacturing enterprises promote the logistics efficiency , lower the logistics cost and enhance their competitiveness on market .

  15. 因此,我国要不断建设发展和完善电子物流系统,从而提高物流运作效率,降低物流成本,适应国际电子商务的发展要求,提高物流企业在国际市场上的竞争力。

    Therefore , our country must develop and perfect the e-logistics system , thus enhance the operation efficiency of the logistics , reduce the logistics cost , adapt the request of international electronic commerce development , enhance the competitive power of the logistics enterprise in the international market .

  16. 物资筹措环节作为应急物流首要环节对整个应急物流系统的运作效率都起到了至关重要的作用。

    Supplies as a contingency financing part of the first link in the logistics of the entire emergency response system , the operational efficiency of the logistics have played a vital role .

  17. 因此,研究我国农村粮食物流运作模式,对提高农村粮食物流运作效率、效益以及促进粮食物流发展具有现实的指导意义。

    Therefore , the research on the operation mode has realistic instructive significance in improving the operation efficiency of rural grain logistics and promoting its development . First , this paper defines the rural grain logistics , introducing the object and range of the research on it .

  18. 其中,物流基础设施的建设、物流运作水平及运作效率成为衡量物流发展水平的三大标准。

    The construction of logistics infrastructure , the level of logistics operation and operation efficiency become the three indexes to judge the logistics development .

  19. 信息技术是实现和完善物流各项功能的手段,对提高物流的运作效率,有效保证资金、物资和信息的高效有序流动和交互起着至关重要的作用。

    Information technology , which is the method of achieving and improving logistics functions , plays a very important role in improving the efficiency , ensuring the capital , material and information flow orderly .

  20. 考虑到信息技术对现代物流系统的形成以及对物流系统运作方式和效率的影响,结合973基础研究和省基金研究项目,分析了协同商务链环境下物流企业的运作特点。

    Considering the formation of modern logistics system , the system operation manner and efficiency impacted by information technology , and combining with 973 basis research project , the specialties of logistic enterprise operation in environment cooperative commerce are analyzed .

  21. 逆向物流的网络结构直接影响着逆向物流的运作效率,所以对于一个汽车制造企业来说,如何合理地设计逆向物流网络,如何对企业逆向物流网络进行规划,具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。

    Reverse logistics network structure directly affect the operational efficiency of reverse logistics , so for a car manufacturer , how the rational design of reverse logistics network , how to reverse logistics network planning , is of great theoretical and practical significance .

  22. 在市场竞争日益激烈、对企业竞争能力的要求日渐提高的环境下,传统的企业内部自营物流运作模式已经无法进一步满足企业对提高物流运作效率、降低物流成本的要求。

    As the competition in the market increasing and the demand for corporate competitive environment rising , the traditional internal " self-logistics " mode of operation has been unable to further meet the requirements of improving efficiency of logistics operations and reducing logistics costs .

  23. 但是,由于需求的不确定和供应链系统的复杂性等原因,供应链各个环节都存在着物流供应和需求的不平衡性,导致物流运作效率的降低和物流运作成本的提高。

    However , due to the demand uncertainty and complexity of supply chain system and so on , the imbalance of logistics supply and demand exists in every nodes of supply chain , it results in the falling of logistics efficiency and increasing of logistics cost .

  24. 在物流系统设计和管理中,为了提高物流中心的运作效率和物流系统的绩效,选择物流中心位置就成为一个非常重要的问题。

    In order to improve the efficiency of logistics centers ' operation and the performance of logistics system , the locating of logistics centers becomes very important in designing and managing logistics system .

  25. 从第三方物流的职能出发,讨论第三方物流如何通过运作效率、客户整合、物流企业及其业务的横向和纵向联合以及发展客户等方面来创造价值。

    Based on the functions of the third party , the paper discusses how the third party creates value by means of operation efficiency , customer integration , horizontal and vertical integration , development of customer market and so on .

  26. 总之,通过上述研究,在面向网络化制造的物流系统内实现信息共享,是提高物流与供应链运作效率的最重要因素。

    Anyway , it is the most important factor for improving operating efficiency of logistics and supply chain to realize information sharing in logistics system oriented to networked manufacturing .

  27. 报废汽车回收企业绩效评价技术有利于正确判断企业的经营管理状况,完善和提高逆向物流的管理水平,提高报废汽车回收企业逆向物流的运作效率和整体效益。

    Performance evaluation technique is beneficial to measure the enterprise management and to enhance the reverse logistics management , and to improve operation efficiency and the overall efficiency of reverse logistics .

  28. 第三方物流企业的正确选址可有效地降低物流成本,提高物流运作效率和服务水平。

    The right position of the third-party logistics enterprise can lower logistics cost and improve the operation efficiency and service .

  29. 在这一系列的物流基础设施建成之后,怎样合理利用这些设施来提高物流运作的效率成了人们关心的重点。

    How to make full use of them and to improve the efficiency of logistics become the key problem .

  30. 物流园区是物流组织活动相对集中的区域,对提高物流业运作效率和物流企业经营效益、降低工商企业物流作业成本具有重要作用。

    Logistics park is a relatively concentrated area about organized activities , and it plays an important role in improving the operational efficiency of the logistics industry , enhancing the operational efficiency of logistics enterprises and reducing the operation cost of logistics enterprises .