
  • 网络work tool
  1. 应用AutoCAD和Pro/e软件建立了作业工具和执行装置模型。

    The operational tools and the execution device model were established utilizing the AutoCAD and Pro / e software . 3 .

  2. 介绍了水下作业工具用手动换向阀的设计及工作原理,分析了旋转换向阀的工作性能。实践证明该阀具有开关灵活、性能可靠等特点,现已用于300m潜水员作业工具中。

    The design and operation principle of a hand switch change valve used for underwater operating tools are described and the working properties of the valve are analysed , The operating practice shows that the value is sensitive for switching and reliable in performance .

  3. 海水液压水下作业工具系统的微生物污染和腐蚀

    Microbiological Pollution and Corrosion of Underwater Tool System of Seawater Hydraulics

  4. 海水液压作业工具系统的研制

    Development of an underwater tool system driven by seawater hydraulics

  5. 深水液压动力源压力补偿器研究水下作业工具深水液压动力源

    Development of Pressure Compensator for Deep Water Hydraulic Power Station

  6. 一种水下作业工具用手动开关换向阀的研制

    Development of Hand Switch-Change Valve Used for Underwater operating Tool

  7. 海水液压水下作业工具系统的仿真研究

    Simulation of the Seawater Hydraulic Powered Underwater Operation Tools System

  8. 遥控焊接机器人作业工具快速更换技术

    Quick-change technology of work tools for a remote welding robot

  9. 一种新型水下作业工具&软缆割刀

    A new type of underwater tool & rope scissors

  10. 水下作业工具液压动力源的研制

    Development on Hydraulic Power Source of Underwater Tools

  11. 井下作业工具的虚拟装配技术

    Study on virtual assembly technique of job tools

  12. 带电作业工具电气试验电压气象校正值计算方法

    Calculating Method of the Voltage-meteorologic Emendation for the Electrical Testing of the Electriferous-operating Tools

  13. 海水液压驱动的水下作业工具系统

    Underwater Tool System Driven by Seawater Hydraulic Power

  14. 海水液压水下作业工具

    Seawater Hydraulic Powered Underwater Operation Tools

  15. 水下作业工具系统的关键技术研究

    Key Techniques for Underwater Tools System

  16. 水下作业工具系统

    Underwater Working Tools System

  17. 深潜器与作业工具之间的通讯有如下特点:非接触式、双工、近距离、低速率、低功耗。

    The communication has some properties such as contactless , duplex , low baud rate , low power consumption .

  18. 龙门吊变轨平移机构,涉及一种作业工具,特别是龙门吊装技术装备。

    A gantry crane change rail translation mechanism relates to an operation tool , in particular to gantry hoisting technical equipment ;

  19. 潜水器作为一种新型的水下作业工具,越来越多地被人类应用于海底探索及资源勘查上。

    As a new kind of underwater tool , underwater vehicle has been used widely in the ocean exploitation and resource reconnaissance .

  20. 实验表明,研究设计的传感器具有体积小、功耗低、实时性好等特点,适用于水下各型作业工具。

    The characteristics of small volume , low-power consumption and good real-time make this new proximate sensor suitable for different types of underwater tools .

  21. 作为教授未来软件开发人员的人,我经常从教学角度考虑我的学生对完成作业工具的需求。

    As someone who teaches future software developers , I am constantly weighing pedagogical concerns against my students'need for tools to do their assignments .

  22. 然而关于海底资源勘探开发作业工具&钻井平台,其相关的法律问题,特别是钻井平台在开采作业中对海洋造成污染的责任问题,依然模糊不清。

    However , the exploitation tool , drilling platform , it is still ambiguous about its legal questions , and its responsibility of marine pollution .

  23. 本文采用功率键合图建立了海水液压水下作业工具系统的数学模型,并进行了数字仿真。

    Based on the theory of power bond graphs , the mathematic model of the seawater hydraulic powered underwater operation tool system is built up .

  24. 海水液压水下作业工具直接用海水作为工作介质,具有许多用油作介质所不可比拟的优点。

    Directly , underwater tool system of seawater hydraulics has many advantages over the one using oil as the medium , using seawater as the working medium .

  25. 移动平台吸附于待检修的水力发电设备(如水轮机)表面,机械臂安装在移动平台上,机械臂可携带检测及各类可更换的作业工具。

    The mobile platform adheres to the surface to be repaired , and the manipulator equipped with some kinds of changeable operation tools is mounted on the platform .

  26. 论文介绍了海水液压作业工具系统的工作原理、关键技术问题及样机和试验结果。

    In this paper , the working principles , advantages , key technical problems , prototype and experimental results of underwater tools driven by seawater hydraulics are introduced .

  27. 本文对目前带电作业工具预防性试验方法存在的不足进行了探讨,就电场对绝缘工具的影响进行了初步分析;

    This paper explores the deficiency existed in current preventive testing method for live line tools , the effect of electric field to insulating tools is preliminarily analysed ;

  28. 针对海下工程作业工具&闸刀式管锯进给系统的速度要求,设计了阀控液压马达速度伺服系统。

    According to the feed-velocity demand of the underwater guillotine saw that is a kind of offshore engineering tool , a system which servo valve control hydraulic motor is developed .

  29. 然后分别针对水下机械手的研制思路和水下作业工具的研究状况及难点等进行了分析与评述,给出了相关建议。

    For the ROV status and difficulties of subsea manipulators and underwater tools , key points are discussed and analysed , and trends and suggestions are given for the future research work .

  30. 为了验证该装置的功能性,本文进行了遥控焊接机器人与作业工具的自动对接实验和对管道的焊接实验。

    In order to verify the functionality of the device , the paper was operating with a remote control robot welding tool for the automated docking experiments and the welding of pipelines experiment .