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  1. (我想你自己捣鼓个飞机出来也能出名。)我当时看过一篇文章,他的第三驾飞机名字是“Savor”,完成这个大作,花了他15个月的时间。

    And now he 's famous for it ( or , at least as famous as you can get for building your own plane , I guess ) . His third airplane , which is the one that I was reading about , an impressive and beautiful project he called Savor , took him 15 months to build .

  2. 因为这部具有雄心壮志的辛苦之作要花掉他将近五年的时间,宫崎骏在电视特别节目中表示,这部片子完成的时候他都要80岁了--大概就是在2020年东京奥运会的时候。

    Because it takes him around five years to complete his more ambitious undertakings , Miyazaki noted in the TV special that he will be nearly 80 by the time this film is completely ― hopefully in time for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 .

  3. 采用聚乙二醇200作溶剂合成花状Ni和NiS纳米结构

    Synthesis of flower-like Ni and NiS nanostructures using PEG 200 as solvent

  4. 我把所有的业作时间都花在学英语上。

    Then I use all my spare time to learn English .

  5. 壮族先民乃水田农耕稻作民族,花图腾;

    Zhuang people had planted rice in the past ;

  6. 这个绝妙的小玩意最初是个玩笑之作,现在花9.99欧元(约合72元人民币)便能在德国易贝网上买到。

    The canny gadget , which started life as a joke invention , is currently on sale for 9.99 euro on eBay Germany .

  7. 问题不是及时完工&尽管一位香港居民告诉我们,现时作决策要花更长时间。

    The problem is not one of getting it done in time – although one Hong Kong resident told me decisions were taking much longer nowadays .

  8. 我存了一点钱留作放假的时候花。

    I 've put some money aside for my holiday .

  9. 为了把这件事作成功,我们花了许多精力。

    We 've paid considerable amounts dues in trying to get it done .

  10. 如果我们按照他的计划作,我们可以花更少的钱,用更少的人,并且把工作干得更好。

    If we had followed his plan , we could have have done the job better with less money and fewer people .

  11. 随着上海的崛起,近年来学界对海派文化的研究也愈益热衷,作为海派文学开山之作的《海上花列传》自然也日渐成为研究的热点之一。

    As a matter of course , Biographies of Prostitutes of Shanghai , signaling the beginning of Shanghai school literature , has become one of the hot research topics .

  12. 本研究采取模糊综合评判的方法对20个大花月季品种进行筛选,选择适合作盆栽的大花月季品种,为设施内的盆栽大花月季栽植打下基础。

    The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method of 20 roses hybrida cultivars is adopted in the study . Through the experiment we select suitable for screening potted roses varieties , the facility for planting to lay the foundation .

  13. 既可作切花,亦可作庭园花,目前世界各地都有栽培,我国南方一些城市栽培十分普遍。

    Not only for cut flowers , flower garden can make now cultivated all over the world , our culture is common in some southern cities .