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  • 网络Lotus
  1. 在餐饮业新人辈出的近两年,“小荷才露尖尖角”的新人们,会不会也参与到重量级的颁奖典礼上,奉献自己的星光呢。

    In the restaurant industry new men for nearly two years ," Lotus just buds " new people , will also participate in a ceremony , to dedicate himself to the stars .

  2. 他这个配角演员现在已是小荷初露尖尖角。

    He was on the cusp between small acting roles and moderate fame .

  3. 小荷,你是我最爱的女儿。

    Hope , you are by far my favorite daughter .

  4. 很明显,高科技农业已是“小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头”。

    Clearly , a small but impressive portfolio of scientific agriculture is starting to emerge .

  5. 此照片中,我们看到黑色直脚裤和无袖上衣的小荷叶边的胸部区。

    In this photo we see black straight-leg pants and a sleeveless blouse with little flounces in the chest area .

  6. 拨层层淤泥,赏清莲小荷&对现今影视作品鉴赏的几点看法革命历史题材影视创作的重大突破

    Views on Appreciating Films and TV works The Significant Breakthrough of the Production of TV Works on the Theme of Revolution History

  7. 如果说有关私法上的人格权之讨论在近年已近乎白热化,那么宪法中的人格权却还只是“小荷才露尖尖角”。

    If discussion about personality right in civil law have been incandesced , the same study of constitutional law is very scare .

  8. 十二日下午,正打算开小荷写篇日记,突然听见电视上播出了这样一个消息。

    Afternoon on the12th , Xiao-He is planning to open Write articles diary , suddenly heard on the television broadcast such a message .

  9. 这样的比赛很有帮助,他小荷才露尖尖角,我们知道他还有很多能力没有开发出来。

    Games like this will really help him . He 's shown a little bit of what he can do and we know he 's capable of a lot more .

  10. 尽管如此,去年秋季的银行业危机给了他生机,眼下的骗补风暴愈演愈烈,最初赎罪情绪是“小荷才露尖尖角”,现在已经愈演愈烈,这同样也给了他机会。

    Still , like the banking crisis which gave him a bounce last autumn , the expenses furore and the liminal feeling it has reinforced offer him a shot at redemption .

  11. 旅游体验产品虽然是小荷才露尖尖芽,但定会成为旅游消费的新亮点和旅游经济的新增长点。

    Although tourism experience products came out not long ago , it would be the new bright spot of tourism-consumption and the increasingly new point of tourism economy in the short future .

  12. 它包含两个核心技术,表音密码和动态英语平台技术(本文只提及基础篇:小荷篇)。

    There are two core techniques in its system . One is Orthographic Cipher and the other is Dynamic English Platform ( This thesis refers to only its beginning part : Xiao Hepian ) . The first one was inspired from Chinese sound writing system : Pin Yin .