
xiǎo jiàng
  • Junior General;young general/militant;young sports star
小将 [xiǎo jiàng]
  • (1) [young general]∶古时指年轻的将领(现多用于比喻)

  • (2) [young pathbreaker]∶年轻的开拓者

  1. 他输给了21岁的瑞典小将。

    He was outplayed by the Swedish 21-year-old .

  2. 巴塞罗那和利物浦都已经承认对年仅20岁的巴西新星凯里森很感兴趣,现在AC米兰也表明他们很看好这名小将。

    Barcelona and Liverpool have already admitted their interest in the20-year-old Brazilian with AC Milan now joining the race for Keirrison 's signature .

  3. 温格很喜欢签入年轻球员,所以马赛的18岁小将SamirNasri有可能会填补维埃拉的空缺。

    Wenger has been keen on signing young players , so Marseilles '18-year-old Samir Nasri could fit the role .

  4. db2exfmt输出中的缓冲池大小将在下面的缓冲池大小一节中进行进一步的讨论。

    ( Buffer pool size in the db2exfmt output is discussed further in the buffer pool size section below . ) .

  5. 答案:启用一个目录或容器服务器后,一个执行组内的JVM的堆大小将增加至少30MB。

    A : With a catalog or container server enabled , the heap size of the JVM within an execution group will increase by at least 30 MB .

  6. Mayo大不到10天的他,表现得比预期要好,湖人有了这位小将将比有基德或者小奥尼尔更好,长期的优势很明显。

    Mayo , Bynum is ahead of schedule and the Lakers are better right now with him than they would be with a Jason Kidd or Jermaine O'Neal and the long-term advantages are bluntly obvious .

  7. 另外2个小将维尔。基恩和罗比。布拉迪也都参加了自己国家的U-21比赛。

    Two other young Reds , Will Keane and Robbie Brady , were also in action for their country 's Under-21 sides .

  8. 这位19岁小将要从U20层次晋升到国家队阵营中,在现在这套阵容里,他可是主帅OscarTabarez不可或缺的一员。

    The19-year-old is yet to make the step up from Under-20 level to the full national team but it will be hard for coach Oscar Tabarez to overlook him on current form .

  9. 由于世界排名第三的李娜因膝伤退出本届美网,彭帅进入了公众的视野,并在比赛中势如破竹。在周二的四分之一决赛中,她以6-2,6-1的成绩将瑞士小将贝琳达·本西奇(BelindaBencic)横扫出局。

    But with the third-ranked Li missing the tournament with a knee injury , Peng has leapt into the spotlight and soared through the draw , ousting the Swiss teenager Belinda Bencic in the quarterfinals Tuesday , 6-2 , 6-1 .

  10. 小将维尔将代表荷兰U19参加与塞尔维亚以及罗马尼亚之间的友谊赛,而西蒙则有望身着匈牙利U19的战袍迎战斯洛文尼亚。

    Vincent Weijl is in the Holland under-19 squad for their friendly fixtures with Serbia and Romania and Andreas Simon will hope to be involved as Hungary under-19 's do battle with Slovenia .

  11. 这位U18队队长在主帅肯尼·达格利什的帮助下感受到了完全的梅尔伍德,与西班牙小将苏索一同参加这个项目,为踏上他们成为俱乐部未来之星的道路做准备。

    The U18s'skipper was handed the full Melwood treatment by boss , Kenny Dalglish , joining Spanish ace , Suso as part of a familiarisation programme for the club 's stars of the future .

  12. 三峡大坝建成后,库区流水区断面流速只有0.04m/s,比天然河道断面平均流速减小将近5倍左右。

    After the Three Gorges engineering is accomplished , the speed of water through cross section , 0.04 m / s , is only 1 / 6 times of natural average speed .

  13. 泰勒对这位西班牙小将的评价很高。

    Taylor spoke very highly of the Spanish teenager .

  14. 这名17岁的小将赢得了100米比赛的冠军。

    The 17-year-old won the 100 meter backstroke .

  15. 我刚刚完成《大战士,小将军》,这是一个动作片。

    I just finished Big Soldier , Small General , which is an action movie .

  16. 阿森纳队长亨利和荷兰小将范佩西明天将有健康测试。

    Arsenal captain Thierry Henry and Dutch striker Robin van Persie face fitness tests tomorrow .

  17. 利物浦小将因苏阿帮助阿根廷队在周日创记录地第六次获得了20岁以下世界杯的冠军。

    Liverpool starlet Emiliano Insua helped Argentina win a record sixth Under-20 World Cup on Sunday .

  18. 西班牙小将在本赛季对萨格布勒迪纳摩的冠军联赛中破门。

    The Spaniard kicked off this season with a brace at Dinamo Zagreb in the Champions League .

  19. 这次受伤残忍的使得这位小将的不断进步戛然而止,也提前为其在后卫位置上出色的表现画上句号。

    The injury cruelly halted his progress and brought a premature end to the defender 's breakthrough campaign .

  20. 二十七名球员前往这个训练营,其中包括年轻小将亨德森和弗林庞。

    Twenty-seven players have travelled to the pre-season training camp including young prospects Conor Henderson and Emmanuel Frimpong .

  21. 科尔踢的是3前锋之一的右边路,而小将卡鲁在中路活动。

    Cole played on the right of a front three that started with Salomon Kalou in the middle .

  22. 我不知道届时球队中会有多少小将被抽调,但我是需要他们的。

    I don 't know how many of our players Pierluigi Casiraghi will choose , but I need them .

  23. 最初,将《足球小将》翻译成阿拉伯文版只是一家日本出版商的商业决策。

    Initially , adapting the books for the Arab market was a mere business decision by a Japanese publisher .

  24. 但是这位24岁的小将没有失去信心,他努力训练并期待在这里证明自己的价值。

    But the24-year-old is not getting despondent about his chances and remains eager to prove his worth in West london .

  25. 利物浦教练贝尼特斯承认他担心他对阿根廷小将因苏亚的要求太高了。

    Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez admits he fears he 's been asking too much of young Argentine left-back Emiliano Insua .

  26. 在东京,奥巴达?凯瑟马仍在努力把更多《足球小将》的冒险故事翻译成阿拉伯语。

    Back in Tokyo , Obada Kassoumah is still at work putting ever more adventures of Captain Tsubada into Arabic .

  27. 如果升级的数据库没有限制日志文件大小,则日志文件的最大大小将报告为-1。

    Databases that are upgraded with an unlimited log file size will report-1for the maximum size of the log file .

  28. 中国小将伏明霞获世界游泳锦标赛女子10米跳台跳水冠军。

    Chinese young pathfinder Fu Mingxia wins the diving champion of the Women's10-meter diving tower at the World Swimming Championships .

  29. “吊环王”小将陈一冰的精彩表现令我拍案叫绝。

    " Hoisting ring 's king " rookie player Chen Yibing has demonstrated brilliant performance which made me clap the table .

  30. 如果你们看过《大兵小将》就会明白油菜花的意义。

    If you have seen Little Big Soldier , you will understand why canola flowers are so important in the movie .