
  • 网络home alone
  1. 你知道《小鬼当家》吗?它是一部喜剧。

    Do you know home alone ? It 's a comedy .

  2. 你这儿有《小鬼当家》的录像带吗?

    Have you got the video tape home alone .

  3. 那是一部名叫作“小鬼当家”的喜剧。

    It was a comedy called How Alone .

  4. 嗨,大家好,欢迎来到小鬼当家,我是孙以琳,很高兴又和大家见面了。

    Hello ! Welcome to kids club ! I 'm Linda , Nice to meet you again .

  5. 先试着叮20秒,等到它变得像《小鬼当家》中的那个场景一样。

    Let 's try 20 seconds , wait till it looks like a scene in the movie Gremlins .

  6. 关于《小鬼当家》的翻拍形式、时间和演员阵容,迪士尼没有提供任何细节。

    Disney has provided no details about how or when the film will be remade , or who will be cast .

  7. 欧洲人现在是“小鬼当家”,他们必须思考如何处理好继承而来的制度和框架。

    Europeans are " home alone " and must figure out what to do with the institutions and structures they have inherited .

  8. 这很有可能导致了他成年以后孩子气的行为并且十分喜欢像麦考利克金(《小鬼当家》的主角)的小孩,并让他们在自己的梦幻岛里玩耍嬉戏。

    This likely caused his adulthood childlike behavior and drew him to children such as Macauly Culkin , entertaining them at his Neverland Ranch .

  9. 圣诞快乐,小鬼!你很快将能看到迪士尼翻拍的《小鬼当家》了。

    Merry Christmas , ya filthy animal -- a Disney remake of " Home Alone " is on its way .