
  1. 丹江口电厂2×800kW小电站厂房的爆破拆除设计

    Blasting Design to Dismantling the Danjiangkou 2 × 800kW Small Power Plant

  2. 还预计将在首都东部修建一个小电站。

    The establishment of a small power plant in the eastern section of the capital is also envisioned .

  3. 本文采用块体极限平衡Sarma法和非线有限单元分析法对小山水电站厂房边坡岩体稳定性进行了分析研究。

    In this paper , the Sarma non vertical slice method and non linear finite element method are used to analyze the slope stability in Xiaoshan Power Staton at the workshop which is 176 m high and slope angle is 35 ° as a whole .

  4. 关于小容量电站锅炉过热器超温问题的探讨

    Discussion on Over-temperature of Small Capacity Utility Boiler Superheater

  5. 小山水电站厂房后山坡稳定性的研究

    Study on the Stability of Back Hillside of Workshop at Xiaoshan Hydraulic Power Plant

  6. 低水头拦河水利枢纽一般都具有发电、通航的功能,由于库容小,电站多为径流式电站。

    Low head hydro-engineering complex across a river generally has the functions as electricity generation and navigation .

  7. 高水头小流量电站箱式半压力消能工的试验研究

    Experimental study on semi-pressure tank-type energy dissipator for hydropower station under high head and lower flow rate

  8. 研究了小容量电站锅炉过热器超温问题,并提出新的计算公式。

    A new calculation formula of superheater temperature is put forward in view of over-temperature of the superheater for small capacity utility boiler .

  9. 通过对耒水小东江电站左岸滑坡体工程地质条件、性状等的研究,对其滑坡成因进行了分析。

    Though the study of the engineering geology conditions and properties of the landslide about the left bank of Xiao Dong River Electric Station in the Lei River .

  10. 本文对岩质边坡稳定性进行了简单分析,以及耒水小东江电站左岸滑坡治理两大方面进行了广泛而较深入的研究。

    A comprehensive and in-depth study on the two aspects , i.e , the rock-slope stability analysis and the landslide harnessed about the left bank of Xiao Dong River Electric Station in the Lei River is made in the paper .

  11. 利用水化学、稀土元素和碳氧同位素的分析方法探讨了小天都电站调压室可能的渗水途径。

    Based on hydrochemistry , REE , carbon and oxygen isotope analyzing , possible leakage way of the Air-Cushioned Surge Chamber is studied in the Xiaotiandu power-station .

  12. 而随着大型接地网的出现,接地电阻越来越小,同时电站和电厂外围的环境不断变化,影响大型接地网接地电阻测量的因素也不断增加。

    With the emergence of large-scale grounding grid , grounding resistance getting smaller and smaller , while environment of power plants and external are changing , factors affect the ground resistance measurement of large grounding grid are also increasing .

  13. 本文从理论上严格地定义了低水头径流式电站设计水头的新概念,提出了适合大、中、小低水头电站机型机组选择的一整套计算方法和灯泡式水轮机组参数的设计方法。

    Theoretically defines a new concept of the design head for low head runoff station . Provides a complete method to select turbine type and set , and design tub-turbine parameters , which is suitable for big , middle and small station .

  14. 小流域规划梯级电站水能计算方法的一点改进

    An Improvement on the Hydroenergy Computation of Cascade Hydro-power Stations in Small Basin Planning