
  • 网络Haoxi River
  1. 你能游江啊,不一定能过好溪。

    You need skills of wading , not swimming .

  2. 由于城镇基础设施建设落后,沿途主要居民区的生活污水未经处理直接排入好溪;

    Along the river basin , sewage of main residents area has no decontamination measures because of the behindhand town infrastructure ;

  3. 一次,约100名携带武器的活动者计划好前往加州胡桃溪市的加州披萨厨房聚会;但在得知他们并不受欢迎之后,他们只好前往另一家餐厅。

    In one case , about 100 activists bearing arms had planned to go to a California Pizza Kitchen in Walnut Creek , Calif. , but after it became clear they weren ` t welcome they went to another restaurant .