
  1. 如何控制好网化白色路面的施工质量

    How to control the construction quality of retiary white road surface

  2. 我知道你是个好网球手。但你可别太傲,每次见到我时没必要总提醒我你曾获过冠军杯吧!

    I know you 're a good tennis player , hot shot , you don 't have to remind me that you won the champion everytime I saw you .

  3. 机器运转时一定要放好安全网罩

    Ensure that the grille be In place while the machinery be In operation

  4. 在墙壁与天花板的犄角里,蜘蛛早已架好了网。

    Spiders had built their webs in the angles of the walls and ceilings ;

  5. 实践表明,该方法具有整体性好、网形优、速度快的优点。

    The applications showed that the method had such advantages as good integrality , nice shape and high speed .

  6. 列车运行速度提高后就必须解决好弓网耦合系统的稳定受流问题。

    The problem about stability of collecting electricity of pantograph-catenaries coupling system must be solved after the speed increases .

  7. 问题1男:下次我们打球之前,我得去买支好的网球拍

    Question 1 . M : Before we play again , I 'm going to buy a good tennis racket .

  8. 拉一张张好的网在两棵树之间,是捕捉飞行的鸟类的好办法。

    A fine net stretched between two trees across a flight path is an effective method of catching birds in flight .

  9. 当前我们的任务是怎样管理好校园网,让其充分发挥其应用方面的性能特点,为网络开发和数字化校园建设奠定基础。

    Current task is how to manage campus network and to let the network give play to application characteristics and to lay the basis for network exploitation and digital campus network construction .

  10. 新建分站扩军:重点建设好论文网、教育网、郑德杨可好空间站、视频(选修),并审时度势扩建新的分站点;

    New sub-station expansion : the construction of a good thesis network , education network , Zheng Deyang best station , video ( optional ), and the extension of the new situation of the sub-site ;

  11. 本文为实现无线传感器网络与IP网络有效融合,提出无线传感器网络全IP接入方式,具有网络一致性好、便于网间资源共享的特点。

    We propose the all-IP access mode to achieve the effective integration between wireless sensor networks and IP network . The all-IP access mode has good network consistency and facilitate the sharing of resources between networks .

  12. 这就妨碍了快速以太网成为一种好的主干网选择。

    This prevents fast Ethernet from being a good backbone technology choice .

  13. 另外,我在这行业内有很好的关系网,自信能协助公司的发展。

    Besides , my connections in this field can facilitate the development of company .

  14. 什么是一个好办法蜘蛛网都没有得到明确的墙壁埋?

    What is a good way to both clear the cobwebs get buried without the walls ?

  15. 如果他不听取我的建议,他就不会干得这样好。大家网编辑祝各位好运!

    If he had not taken my advice , he wouldn 't do it much better like this .

  16. 供应商有极大的兴趣,正在使下一代以太网标准&10千兆位以太网准备好用于广域网。

    There is enough interest that vendors have been trying to make the next Ethernet standard , 10-Gigabit Ethernet , ready for the WAN .

  17. 如果你有一个好的联系网,那么对于发掘将来的职业也是有很大的好处的。为了开发新的趋势,学习新的机会。

    If you have a good contact network , it is also a good place to discover future careers , to explore new trends , and to learn about new opportunities .

  18. 好的配电网规划不仅能够为电力公司节省大量的投资和运行费用,而且能够提高用户的供电满意度。

    The optimization of electricity distribution network would save a huge investment and operation expense for the power company as well as improve degree of satisfaction of user to power supply .

  19. 因此,一个好的校园网身份认证系统不仅应有高的安全性和可用性,而且应该能够实现有线网络和无线网络中跨域的统一身份认证。

    Therefore , an authentication system of digital campus should have security and availability of high level , and the ability of processing cross-realm authentication in wired LAN as well as WLAN .

  20. 就在上周,腾讯注资好买基金网(Howbuy,一家共同基金在线交易平台),这或许是它将发布一款与阿里巴巴的余额宝类似的投资产品的先兆。

    Just this week Tencent invested in Howbuy , an online trading platform for mutual funds , in what could be a precursor to its launching an investment product like Alibaba 's Yu'E Bao .

  21. 要实现此控制策略,很重要的一点就是在电网电压跌落条件下能够很好的对网侧变流器进行控制,使得直流侧电压稳定在一定范围内。

    To achieve this control strategy , a very important point is that , under the conditions of the voltage dip , can conrol the grid-side converter very good , to make the DC side voltage is stable within a certain range .

  22. GIS能很好地将配电网的各种信息与反映地理位置的图形信息结合在一起。

    GIS can combine the information of distribution network with figure reflecting geography position .

  23. 简而言之,好消息是人人网是Facebook的成功版本,未来几年内还会继续增长。

    In short , the good news is Renren is a successful version of Facebook , one poised for years of growth .

  24. 改进的Delaunay方法可以直接与污染物的运移模型耦合,通过获取的含水层参数能够比较好地检验监测网在空间上的去冗余设计效果。

    Considering that the Delaunay method is applicable to both the heterogeneous aquifers and inserting additional sampling locations in the insufficient monitoring network , a modified Delaunay method coupled with contaminant transport model is developed to deal with these issues .

  25. 建立一个很好的私人客户网。

    Build up a nice , private clientele .

  26. 建设维护好工程建设信息网,对整顿和规范建筑市场有着十分重要的意义。

    The construction and maintaining of EIN has great significance on regulating the construction market .

  27. 这么好的广告交易网。

    We had this great advertising network .

  28. 但是,降息是务实之举,为经济铺好一张安全网,它并不排除结构调整。

    But an interest-rate cut is a pragmatic move , putting a safety net under the economy , which does not preclude restructuring .

  29. Linkedin.com就是一个很好的专业社交网范例,在这里许多大公司各个阶层的管理者们可以互相联络。

    Linkedin.com is a perfect example of a professional social network that allows you to interact with people from all levels of management in many large corporations .

  30. 只有把人情做在前面,提前编织好自己的人情网,到时才能好办事、办好事。

    As long as they do it in advance to successfully weave their networks of relations , they will be able to handle affairs easily in time .