
  1. 不懂,就好好学呗。

    Don 't know ? Well , learn to .

  2. 如果你想出国留学,好好学英语,GRE或者托福考个高分,这是最要紧的事。

    If you want to study overseas , learning English and getting a high mark in GRE or TOEFL is the name of the game .

  3. 他真的需要好好学学礼貌。

    He 's in desperate need of a lesson in manners .

  4. 不是你就是他好好学将获得这份工作。

    Either you or he is going to get the job .

  5. 第一次后悔没有好好学语文。

    The first time I regret not to learn literary well .

  6. 很显然,我需要好好学学怎么来推销自己。

    Clearly , I have a lot to learn about marketing .

  7. 我应该把它录下来好好学学。

    I should 've recorded that stuff and study it .

  8. 陈红真的吗?那你可要好好学韩语了。

    Really ? You 'd better study Korean hard then .

  9. 天哪,你的确没好好学礼貌。

    God , you certainly didn 't learn any manners .

  10. 这个是专门为你准备的,好好学着吧

    this one 's for you . Watch and learn , losers .

  11. 我真后悔当时在学校没好好学�

    I wish I had paid more attention at school .

  12. 我得好好学英语。

    I need to bone up on my english .

  13. 没有我你也可以好好学的,对吧?

    You can study well without me , right ?

  14. 好好学艺术,我们以你为荣。

    Keep working on the art stuff , we 're proud of you .

  15. 好好学这些是建筑物的基石。

    These are the basic stones of a building .

  16. 我想好好学,可是…她眼里溢满泪水。

    I was trying to learn , but ... Her eyes filled with tears .

  17. 好好学他正在烘箱里烤面包。

    He is baking bread in an oven .

  18. 杰夫:你犯的唯大错没好好学英语。

    Jeff : The only big mistake you made was not studying English enough !

  19. 那我也得好好学学。

    I have to learn it , then .

  20. 那吃日本料理好不好??不懂,就好好学呗。

    How about Japanese restaurant ? Don 't know ? Well , learn to .

  21. 好好学学怎么用那个玩意吧。

    Learn to use that thing properly .

  22. 好好学我为自己的错误感到不快。

    I was annoyed at my mistake .

  23. 因此在学习欧洲步之前,先好好学学怎么保持耐心吧。

    So before you learn to Euro Step , go ahead and learn some patience .

  24. 光给自己列个目标:“2011年好好学英语”是远远不够的!

    A mere objective of " learn English hard in2011 " is far from enough .

  25. 大家一起来努力,好好学英语。

    All together to properly learn English .

  26. 我想好好学.

    I was trying to learn .

  27. 安:有没有近期的计划?把英文好好学一学?

    A : Do you have any plans to significantly improve your English in the near future ?

  28. 这时的她在想,后悔以前怎么就没好好学英语呢?

    Sorry , you write on the blackboard , I understand but you speak I must think .

  29. 你现在不好好学,到考试不及格时就得为此而付出代价。

    If you don 't work now , you 'll pay for it late when you fail your exam .

  30. 所有的中场球员都很有天赋,如果能跟他们好好学的话一定会有进步的。

    All the midfielders have great talent and if I work closely alongside them then I 'm bound to improve .