
dì èr zhí yè
  • second job;moonlighting;a second occupation;sparetime work
第二职业 [dì èr zhí yè]
  • [second occupation] 指在职职工在业余时间从事的有经济收入的活动

  • 勤工助教--中小学教师的第二职业

  1. “月光人”指的是拥有第二职业的人(通常在下班后去做)。

    Moonlighter is a person who holds a second job ( usually after hours ) .

  2. 对于许多柬埔寨科学家而言,包括ChanRoath本人,这份第二职业是在金边兴起的许多私人大学教授科学。

    For many Cambodian scientists , including Chan Roath himself , this second job is teaching general science at one of the many private colleges that have sprung up in Phnom Penh .

  3. 根据美国劳工部的数据,大约700万到800万美国人(约占所有员工人数的5%)从事多种职业(通常被称为从事第二职业,或者有两份或三份工作)。

    According to the US Department of Labor1 , about 7 to 8 million of us -- about 5 + percent of all workers -- work multiple jobs ( which is often referred to as moonlighting and dual2 or multiple jobholding ) .

  4. 鲍斯-利特尔第二职业的灵感来自7年前,当时,在位于诺丁山的一家面向银行家的私人会所,他被说唱诗人索尔?威廉斯(SaulWilliams)的表演迷住了。

    The inspiration for his second career came seven years ago , when the American became transfixed watching Saul Williams , the spoken word poet .

  5. 当前的潮流是第二职业、DIY、零售商的自有品牌、一美元商店、自己保养现有汽车、缩小住房面积需求以及宅在家里。节俭之风将继续大行其道。

    The trend towards second jobs , do-it-yourself , private labels , dollar stores , maintaining your existing vehicle , downsizing property needs , cocooning and frugality will continue unabated .

  6. 倡导人们在职业生涯后期开展第二职业的社交企业创始人马克.弗里德曼(MarcFreedman)表示,越来越多的家长跟随子女进入他们选的职业。

    Marc Freedman , founder of a social enterprise that advocates second careers in later working life , reports growing numbers of parents following their children into their chosen careers .

  7. 我想我们可以得出结论,唐熙华不会把公关当作他的第二职业了,白宫幕僚长拉姆伊曼纽尔(RahmEmanuel)表示。

    I think we can all conclude that Tony Hayward is not going to have a second career in PR , said Rahm Emanuel , the White House chief of staff .

  8. 医务人员从事第二职业对医院管理的影响及对策

    Side occupation in apart of medical personnel : influences and countermeasures

  9. 我做第二职业是为了增加收入。

    I do my second work to increase my income .

  10. 你在业余时间有没有从事第二职业?

    Do you take on any part-time work in your leisure time ?

  11. 我想我已经找到了自己的第二职业。

    I think I may have found my second calling .

  12. 10.你确实已经为第二职业做好准备。

    You are really ready for a second career .

  13. 你为什么要从事第二职业?

    Why do you take on a second job ?

  14. 除了专职工作以外,你有没有从事第二职业?

    Do you do a second job in addition to your full-time job ?

  15. 调查对象为昆明第二职业中等专业学校的100名三年级学生。

    100 third-year students in Kunming No. 2 Vocational School participated in this study .

  16. 希望发展第二职业,却不知从何入手;

    Want a multiple source of income , but don 't know how to start .

  17. 哈尔滨市第二职业中学

    No.2 Vocational High School in Harbin

  18. 在英国,一些上班族下班后当街乞讨,以此作为自己的“第二职业”。

    Ann : In Britain , some office workers beg from passers-by after work as their second job .

  19. 别提就业保险培训的事了,还是来看看另一种培训吧&安大略省第二职业培训计划。

    Let us forget Employment Insurance training , and let us see another available training program & Ontario Second Career program .

  20. 他认为这个头衔既是一直荣誉,也代表了一种责任。因此他投身励志演讲作为第二职业。

    He considers the title both an honor and a duty , and has pursued a second career in motivational speaking .

  21. 她总是说,等我丈夫一找到第二职业,我很快就付你钱。

    She was always saying , I 'm going to pay you soon , when my husband gets a second job .

  22. 这点在科学写作里尤其重要。很多作者的第一职业是科学家,第二职业是业余作家。

    This is especially important in science writing , where many of authors are professional scientists first , and amateur writers second .

  23. 而你总是可以在一开始的时候将创业作为第二职业,同时做一份临时工作,来维持收支平衡。

    And you can always moonlight with a part-time venture in the initial stages while taking a temporary job to make ends meet .

  24. 假若你是已婚人士,自问你的第二职业收入是多少?而小孩的日托费平均每分钟需支付多少钱。

    If you are married , ask yourself how much income you 'll gain from a second job , minus the cost of childcare .

  25. 从海军退伍之后,史蒂夫开始了第二职业,他在附近的一所大学担任副教授,并继续启迪他人。

    Steve began a second career after the Navy , and he continues to inspire others , as an adjunct professor in a nearby college

  26. 第二职业:于1993年每周用三个晚上,一个晚上两上小时去上门直销雅芳美容护肤品。字串1。

    Second Job : Sold Avon cosmetics and skincare from house to house , two hours an evening , three evenings a week , in1993 .

  27. 从五到十五岁,成为一个钢琴家理应变成我的第二职业,但最终它只变成我感觉失败的来源。

    from the age of five to 15 , this was supposed to be my side occupation , and it led to a sense of failure .

  28. 老乡们必须远离他们的亲人去做第二职业,为的是家里有饭吃,和让他们的孩子能够幸福地去学校读书。

    The folks who must spend tomorrow apart from their families to work a second job , so they can keep food on the table or send a child to school .

  29. 一名政府雇员可能在夜里从事第二职业,充当一名信息斗士;一个少年可能每天在网络空间里待20小时,可口可乐与比萨饼是他与地球的惟一联系。

    A government employee may moonlight as an Information Warrior , or a teenager may live in Cyberspace twenty hours a day , alighting on16 Earth only for Coke and pizza .

  30. 那天一位制片人问她能否在纪念塔的纪念日仪式彩排上代替女王试镜,于是她的第二职业就诞生了。

    A producer asked her if she could stand in for the Queen to check camera angles at a rehearsal for Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph – and her second career was born .