
  1. 虽然盲目乐观会造成不良的投资模式,引起房地产行业泡沫的滋生,但是报道的作者对这一潜在发生的状况并不是特别重视,因为这还并未发生。

    While excessive optimism can promote bad investment patterns , resulting in a real - estate " bubble , " the report 's writers downplay that potential outcome in that it has not yet occurred .

  2. 本文针对中国股票市场的三个方面进行泡沫的实证分析,将股票市场分为整体市场泡沫情况、各个行业泡沫情况、权证的泡沫情况。

    This paper does an empirical research on three part of the Chinese stock market , the first is the whole market bubbles ; the second is the sector bubbles ; and the third is the warrants bubbles .

  3. 他说:金融服务业的背景仍很对口,不过我觉得该行业的泡沫会放缓的。

    Financial services remains very relevant but I think that bubble will slow down , he says .

  4. 近些年来,在国际和国内宏观经济的影响下,尤其是在房地产行业出现泡沫的情况下,建材价格出现了较大的波动,急需进行相关资产的保值增值。

    In the recent years , influenced by the macroeconomy of the international and domestic , especially under the background of there had bubble in the real estate in China , the price of construction materials varied volatility .

  5. 他还认为,私人股本行业正处在泡沫之中。

    He also thinks the private equity industry is in a bubble .

  6. 但近几年来我国房地产价格涨幅过高,房地产行业存在着泡沫已成为共识。

    But with the rapid rise of the price of our country ′ s real estate in recent years , it has already become common knowledge that there are bubbles in the real estate industry .

  7. 他们都沉浸在一个“色彩斑斓”、“与世隔绝”的泡沫里,而互联网行业就是在这个泡沫里发展壮大。

    They are toiling inside the sunny , insular bubble that the web industry has grown up inside .

  8. 他们希望这将起到釜底抽薪的作用,帮助防止地产行业出现戏剧性的泡沫破裂。

    They hope this will let off steam and help prevent a dramatic bursting of a property bubble .

  9. 业内人士透露,高票房的假象会损害中国电影行业,导致市场泡沫,引起市场混乱。

    Industry sources said the illusion of a high box office actually harms China 's film industry and will lead to market bubbles and disorders .

  10. 但是,近年来房地产行业的资产价格泡沫正在不断形成,房地产价格高企并成为各方关注的焦点。

    However , in recent years the real estate industry asset price bubbles is continuously formed , high real estate prices and become the focus of attention of the parties .

  11. 这次大型互联网公司IPO的回归,在电讯行业和互联网行业股票泡沫在2000年破灭后尤显稀少;而在科技公司中再次出现的大量合并和收购是工业领域是分界线般的判定。

    The return of big internet IPOs , rarities since a bubble in telecoms and internet stocks burst in 2000 , and the resurgence of large mergers and acquisitions among technology firms is dividing opinion in the industry .

  12. 但更令人担心的是,有迹象显示,混凝土行业的产业规模正在催生一个该行业自身的融资泡沫。

    More worrying , however , are signs that the industrial scale end of the concrete sector is developing a financing bubble of its own .