
  1. 材料与方法:HSG诊断为IUA的患者85例,均行分粘手术取活检做病理检查。

    Materials and Methods : Both HSG and pathology were confirmed .

  2. 14例病变>2cm行分次切除(EPMR),创面用夹子缝合,回收后做连续病理切片,证明肿瘤全部切除。

    14 lesion > 2 cm implement to divide an excision ( EPMR ), wound surface to sew up with the clip . Recovery the specimen does the continuous pathology slice , certificate the tumor all excisions .

  3. 数据库切分是一个固有的关系流程,可以通过一些逻辑数据块将一个表的行分为不同的小组。

    Database partitioning is an inherently relational process of dividing a table 's rows by some logical piece of data into smaller groups .

  4. 目的(1)使用螺旋CT对肱骨外科颈骨折行三维分型。

    Objective ( 1 ) To classify fracture of humeral surgical neck with three-dimensional reconstruction of spiral CT .

  5. PCR-SSP行HLA-DR分型在脐血库中的应用

    Application of PCR-SSP on typing HLA-DR in cord blood bank

  6. IFS行扫描分块压缩编码

    IFS Line Scan Partitioning Compression Coding

  7. 反向PCR-SSOP技术行HLA-AB分型与临床应用

    Typing of HLA-AB by Reverse PCR-SSOP and Clinical Application

  8. 方法将采用四氯化碳复制的SD肝硬化大鼠随机按I/R前是否行IP分为预处理(IP组)和非预处理组(NIP组)。

    Methods Thirty-two SD rats with liver cirrhosis induced by carbon tetrachloride were randomly divided into IP group and Non-IP ( NIP ) group , according to whether an IP was performed before liver I / R injury or not .

  9. 实验组15例PTR病人先进行HLA分型,到血小板库中寻找合适供者,再进行血小板交叉试验。

    15 patients with PTR in experimental group were required first to select the HLA matching donors from the platelet donor bank and then were carried out the platelet cross matching test .

  10. 因而,政行二分准确地说是指政行弹性分离。

    Consequently , dichotomy of politics and administration exactly means their elastic separation .

  11. 政行二分理论视野中的我国政策过程分析

    The Analysis of Policy Process in China from the perspective of the Politics-Administration Dichotomy

  12. 西北太平洋边缘新生代盆地成因(中):连锁右行拉分裂谷系统

    Genesis of Cenozoic basins in Northwest Pacific margin ( 2 ): linked dextral pull apart basin system

  13. 会计这一行一般分为三大类:公共会计、私人会计和政府部门会计。

    The field of accounting is divided into three broad divisions : public , private , and governmental .

  14. 威尔逊之后的行政学家囿于经脸,断言政行不分;

    After Wilson , the administrative experts , who were confined by their experience , asserted that politics and administration couldn 't be separated .

  15. 从理论分析和试验结果证明这方案能显著降低汽油耗,而且能提高功率和扭矩.本文(下)对这方案的一些主要结构迸行理论分折和提出一些合理措施。

    The analysis and results of the test demonstrate that this design can decrease fuel comsumption as well as can increase power and Torgue .

  16. 结果:依据尺神经深支的走行可分为:豆钩管段、小鱼际肌段、掌中段和终末段。小鱼际肌段行于小指对掌肌与第5掌骨之间的占56.7%;

    Results : The profound branch was divided into 4 segments : pisohamate tunnel segment , hypothenar segment , midpalmar segment and terminal segment .

  17. 一幅光栅图形中的逐行扫描与隔行扫描分时完成并使不同信息获得清晰稳定的显示效果。

    The different information is implemented to clear and steadily display by using of time-shared display with line by line scanning and interlaced scanning in a raster picture .

  18. 威尔逊政行二分理论包括两个方面,一是政行分离,二是政行相互依存。

    Dichotomy of politics and administration of Wilson contains two aspects , one is the separation of politics and administration , the other is their interdependence on each other .

  19. 行文分三部分,城市化的先导&城市规划及公共政策很多时候缺少人本考虑,却又切实地指导着我国城市化的方向。

    This part divides into three parts , the forerunner of urbanization-urban plan and community policy which are lack of human-centered consideration at most time , but practically guide the direction of our urbanization .

  20. 西北太平洋边缘形成连锁右行拉分裂谷系统后,在后裂谷期它们虽然基本上继承了原来盆地格架,但遭到一定程度的改造。

    Though Cenozoic link dextral pull apart rift system in the northwest Pacific margin basically inherited their original tectonic framework in post rifting period , they underwent some reformation , especially the Philippine Sea Basin .

  21. 前段路程的收费很高小脑前下动脉的走行可分为,桥脑前段、桥脑外侧段、小脑外侧间裂段和皮质段。

    Very much front-loaded fare structure The course of anterior inferior cerebella artery ( AICA ) can be divided into 4 segments : anterior pontine segment , lateral pontine segment , lateral cerebellar fissure segment and cortical segment .

  22. 复合性并指7例,单纯行并指分指术。

    Complex syndactyly ( 7 cases ), whose treatment only involved the division of fusion fingers .

  23. 行映射可分为左映射和右映射。

    The maps are invertible and consist of the left Line map and the right Line map .

  24. 使用户有可能把各个程序的程序行与数据分放在高分辨率图形显示屏幕存储区的下方和上方。

    It is possible to dispose program lines and data at the two sides of the RAM for storing high-resolution graphic information .

  25. 行文共分四个部分。第一部分,主要分析了企业竞争优势理论与竞争情报工作的基本知识。

    The text comprises four parts : The first part mainly analyses the theory of enterprise competitive advantage and the elementary knowledge of competitive intelligence .

  26. 对于非营利组织和企业组织而言,其内部可以划分各分支机构,其权力行使者亦可分为各分支机构权力行使者。

    For non-profit organization and enterprise organization , its can divide each branch , its power holder may be divided into each branch power holder .

  27. 助行器具主要分无动力助行器、功能性电刺激助行器与动力助行器三类,每一种助行器适用的使用者有所区别。

    Walker device mainly consists of three categories , non-dynamic walkers , functional electrical stimulation walkers and power walkers , each of which applies to different users .

  28. 而以经脉循行进行分组分法的,其经统计后得出的结果:与太阳经组相关之穴位有胆、小肠、膀胱、内生殖器。

    Grouped meridian points , obtained after the statistical results : acupuncture points have the courage of the sun by the group , small intestine , bladder , internal genitalia .

  29. 凝胶分析系统行等位基因分型。

    Graphic analysis system was used to define each alleles .

  30. 如果是从命令行生成,必须分两个步骤来生成程序。

    If building from the command line , you must build the program in two steps .