
  1. 行政复议申请权的有效行使才是真正启动行政复议程序的关键所在。

    The administration reconsiders the application power to exercise is effectively the true start administration reconsiders the procedure the key to be .

  2. 享有行政复议申请权的主体就是对具体行政行为不满、存有异议的行政相对人。

    Enjoys the administration to reconsider the application power the main body is to the concrete administrative action discontented , has the objection administrative relative person .

  3. 但合法享有行政复议申请权与有效行使行政复议申请权之间仍有显著的差异。

    But enjoyed the administration to reconsider the application power and to exercise the administration legitimately to reconsider between effectively the application power still to have the remarkable difference .

  4. 除前款规定外,行政复议申请复议机关法制工作部门收到之日起即为受理。

    Except for the provisions in the preceding paragraph , the application shall be regarded as being accepted when the legal department of the authority for administrative reconsideration receives the application .

  5. 首先在申请和受理阶段,提出了要放宽行政复议申请的条件,对行政复议申请书能否向原行政机关递交的问题作了比较细致的讨论。

    The first stage in the application and acceptance , proposed to relax the conditions of application for administrative reconsideration , the reconsideration of whether the original application submitted by the executive , gave a more detailed discussion .

  6. 行政复议的申请对于行政复议活动来说至关重要。

    The administration reconsiders the application reconsidered the activity regarding the administration very important .

  7. 本章将行政复议程序分为申请和受理阶段、审理阶段以及决定阶段三个部分分别进行论述。

    The administrative review application and acceptance into the program phase , the trial stage and the decision to stage three parts are discussed .

  8. 行政复议程序体现了申请方便,复议快捷,是使行政复议合法、及时、正确、有效的保证。

    The procedure of administration reconsideration realized the convenience of requisition , the promptness of reconsideration , it guarantees the legality , promptness , preciseness and effectiveness .

  9. 税务行政复议机关受理行政复议申请,作出行政复议决定,适用本规则。

    The Rules are applicable to taxation administrative review authorities in accepting the application for review and in making decisions on administrative review .

  10. 以此为基础,探讨了行政复议理论与实践中面临的三个问题:行政复议中自然资源问题、省以下垂直领导行政机关复议管辖问题以及我国行政复议申请的自动受理问题。

    Based on the analysis , the author discusses three problems facing the theoretical and practical aspects of this system i.e. the natural resources problems , vertical administration issue under the provincial level , and the automatic acceptance of the application for administration reconsideration .