
  • 网络Compensation standards for land acquisition;compensation standard for land expropriation
  1. 基于市场决定理念下的征地补偿标准确定方法研究&以甘肃省张掖市城市规划区为例

    Study on the Determination Method of Compensation Standard for Land Expropriation in Market Context : A Case Study on Urban Planning Area of Zhangye City , Gansu Province

  2. 新征地补偿标准与征地补偿多元化模型分析

    An Analysis of New Land Compensation System and Multimode Compensation Model

  3. 提高征地补偿标准,增加补偿内容;

    Increase compensation standard of expropriating land and diversify compensation content ;

  4. 征地补偿标准制定中的利益主体参与问题研究

    The Study on the Stakeholders Participating in Land Requisition Compensation Standard-setting

  5. 征地补偿标准经济学研究

    A Economic Study of Compensation Standard of Land Requisition System

  6. 建立基于可持续生计的征地补偿标准模型。

    Establish the land acquisition compensation standard model based on sustainable livelihoods .

  7. 关于城郊地区征地补偿标准的分析

    Criteria of Compensation for Requisitioned Farmland on Outskirts of Cities

  8. 征地补偿标准明显过低,不能体现土地交易价格等因素。

    Land requisition compensation standard unable to reflect the land market price .

  9. 征地补偿标准区片综合价的确定基础及数学模型的建立

    The fundamental price and mathematics model of levied land for standard redeemed part

  10. 征地补偿标准的实物期权分析

    The Standard of Compensation for Rural Land Expropriation : A Real Option Analysis

  11. 为此,改革现行土地产权制度、规范征地补偿标准势在必行。

    So it is urgent to reform the current land institution and standardize land expropriation compensation level .

  12. 文章接下来探讨了新构建征地补偿标准的可行性和合理性,最后对本研究作了总结。

    Then the article discusses the feasible and reasonable of the new standard . The article finally summarized this study .

  13. 也就是说,征地补偿标准的高低是农村土地征用能否顺利进行的关键。

    In other words , the level of land requisition compensation standards for rural land acquisition can proceed smoothly key .

  14. 研究目的:提出合理确定征地补偿标准的计算方法。

    The purpose of the study is to put forward a rational calculation method of the compensation standard of land expropriation .

  15. 征地补偿标准按照市政府指导价,由区政府确定具体确定。

    The compensation standard is based on the guide price provided by the municipal government and determined specifically by the district government .

  16. 征地补偿标准中主要研究了农用地的质量价格、社会保障价格、粮食安全价格、生态环境价格,并以这四种价格之和作为征地价格,以质量价格与社会保障价格之和作为补偿标准。

    In the the criterion of expropriation compensation , this paper indraughtes the quality price , social insurance price , foodstuff price and ecosystem environment price .

  17. 由于多因素导致同一区位土地征地补偿标准不同是目前老百姓抵制征地行为发生的主要方面;

    The main cause of the resistance of farmers is the different compensatory standard of farm land on the same flat , which was caused by multiple factors .

  18. 我国现行征地补偿标准存在补偿标准低和模式单一等缺陷,国土资源部即将出台的新征地补偿标准也仅是在补偿倍数上进行调整,并没有进行质的改变。

    Such disadvantages as low standard and simplified mode of compensation exist in our land compensation system , and the new criteria of land compensation to be implemented has not made essential change .

  19. 其核心问题&征地补偿标准自制定以来,经历了1958年、1982年、1986年、1998年4次修改,都不能解决标准偏低而导致的众多问题。

    Its code question & land expropriation compensate standard , founded in 1953 , modified by 4 times ( 1958,1982,1986,1998 ), does not solve the problem which is result from the low compensate price .

  20. 这一部分主要通过对我国及其他国家现行的征地补偿标准和构成的比较分析,总结了我国征地补偿标准的不足之处,进而提出合理完善的建议。

    This section focuses on China and other countries through the existing land compensation standards and constitute comparative analysis , summarized our standard of land compensation inadequate , and then complete the proposal reasonable .

  21. 这些主要表现为:农村集体土地所有权主体的模糊、农村建设用地限制入市、宅基地市场流转受到限制以及征地补偿标准不合理四个方面。

    These are mainly in four parts : fuzzy subject of rural collective land ownership , limits of rural collective construction land into the market , restricting homestead into circulation and unreasonable compensation for collective land .

  22. 社会保障安置体系能否有效运转与当地的征地补偿标准、土地出让市场状况、人均耕地面积等多种因素有关。

    Some factors influence the operating efficiency of social security , such as the compensative standard of land expropriation , the market of land grant , the area of per capita cultivated land and so on .

  23. 而作为原土地的所有者或使用者不能参与征地补偿标准的谈判,只能获得一次性的低廉土地补偿,甚至连低廉的土地补偿费都全部兑现不了。

    Peasants , as the owners or users of the land , rather than participating in the compensation negotiation , could only acquire slim compensation once for all , which even can not be totally cashed in sometimes .

  24. 现行征地补偿标准低的原因主要在于集体土地产权不完整,而收益分配混乱则是由于集体土地产权的不清晰及土地产权的非排他性;

    The ground of the commotion of compensation standard of land acquisition lies primarily in undeveloped property right of collective land . Unfairly distributed revenues result in the fact that property right of collective land is vague and exclusive .

  25. 本章首先分析了土地征收过程中两两主体之间的利益关系,然后分别从农地价值角度和农地功能角度探讨合理的征地补偿标准。

    Firstly , this chapter analyzes the benefit relationships between two main interest subjects who take part in the land requisition , then it discusses the reasonable standard of the land requisition from the perspective of agricultural land value and agricultural land function .

  26. 通过分析我国现行的土地征用制度,从明确我国农村土地产权,制定合理的征地补偿标准,建立农村社会保障机制等方面入手,提出征地制度改革的基本思路。

    The lecture has analyzed the current land expropriation system and offered a basic idea of the reformation of land expropriation by standardizing the right of land , constituting reasonable standard of expropriation compensation , setting up rural insurance system , and so on .

  27. 研究结果:(1)意愿调查法能够兼顾农民、用地单位和政府三方对征地补偿标准的受偿意愿、支付意愿和决策意愿,测算结果更具可执行性。

    The results indicate that Contingent Valuation Method ( CVM ) is practical , which can consider the farmers ' accepting willingness , the land users ' willingness of payment and the government 's willingness of decision-making about the compensation standard on land requisition .

  28. 该部法律应当主要从明晰产权,给农民集体准确定位;提高征地补偿标准,完善征地补偿方式;建立公平合理的土地纠纷解决机制方面构建。

    The laws should be mainly from the clarity of property rights , collective farmers and accurate positioning ; improve the land requisition compensation standards , improve the land requisition compensation ; the establishment of a fair and equitable dispute resolution mechanisms for land to build .

  29. 基本农田的产出效益低,耕种基本农田的经济效益影响了农户参与基本农田保护的积极性,同时征地补偿标准较低,补偿不合理引发被征地农户的不满。

    The output of the low efficiency of basic farmland , the economic impact the enthusiasm of farmers to participate in the protection of basic farmland cultivation of basic farmland , while the lower land acquisition and compensation standards , unreasonable compensation cause the dissatisfaction of the landless farmers .

  30. 征地补偿费用标准的合理确定

    Rational Calculation of the Compensation Standard of Land Expropriation