
  1. 论我国行政复议调解制度的目标定位&以地方规范性文件的比较分析为视角

    On the Basic Objective of Mediation System of Administrative Reconsideration in China

  2. 论行政复议调解的可能与规范

    Intercession in administrative reconsideration : possibility and regulations

  3. 接着阐述了行政复议调解与行政复议制度改革之间相辅相成的关系。

    The author then poits out the intermediation and the reform of the administrative reconsideration system supplement each other .

  4. 随后指出了行政复议调解的立法意义以及条例规定的不足。

    Afterward , it points out the significance of legislation on intermediation and the deficiency of the new acts .

  5. 第3章回顾行政复议调解制度在我国的立法情况,对有关的争议进行了论述,从而排除了立法上不适用调解的理由。

    Chapter three reviews the legislation on intermediation of administrative reconsideration , analyses related arguments , and prove intermediation could be applyed in legislation .

  6. 第4章主要介绍了美国、英国、法国等域外的行政复议调解立法情况以及得出的评论与借鉴。

    Chapter four describes the legislation on intermediation abroad , such as in the USA , England , and France , and tells the comments and references .

  7. 第2章主要介绍了行政复议调解的基本概念及构成要件,与行政复议中的和解制度进行了辨析,提出自己的看法。

    Chapter two introduces the concept , characteristics and constitution of intermediation system . It compares intermediation system with conciliation system in administrative reconsideration and tells the differences between the two .

  8. 第一章分别从行政复议调解与和解的涵义入手,阐释了其含义并分析其性质,区分调解与和解两个概念的差异。

    The first chapter respectively from the administrative reconsideration and the connotation of mediation , reconciliation , explains the meaning and analyzes its nature , distinction mediation and reconciliation between two concepts .

  9. 文章从基本理论、历史形成原因、功能定位等多个角度,对比分析了我国的行政复议调解制度与美国的行政法法官调解制度。

    The author analysis the differences of mediation system of administrative review administrative law judge between China and the United States from the basic theory , historical causes , value orientation , and other views .

  10. 行政复议调解制度在解决行政纠纷、维护政府与公众关系和谐、及时保障公民的合法权益、保障社会秩序稳定等方面发挥了巨大的作用。

    Administrative reconsideration mediation system plays a huge role in the area of resolving administrative disputes , maintaining harmonious relations between the government and the public , protecting timely the legitimate rights and interests of citizens , and supporting the stability of the social order .

  11. 本文主张借鉴域外经验,完善我国行政复议中调解与和解的适用。

    This paper claims from experience , perfecting administrative reconsideration of mediation and reconciliation .

  12. 行政复议适用调解方式的正当性与可行性研究调解:华人的特殊方式

    Study on Feasibility and Legitimacy of the Intercessory Mode for the Administration Reconsideration ; Mediation : How Chinese do it differently

  13. 传统行政法理论认为行政复议制度不适用调解原则。

    The traditional administrative law considers that the system of the administration reconsideration is not fit for the intercessory principle .

  14. 第四部分,调解等多元化纠纷解决方式将越来越普遍地运用于行政领域,文章基于对中美两国行政复议调解制度的比较分析和考察论证,从中获得了很多启示。

    Based on comparative analysis of the administrative review of the mediation system of the two countries , the author get some inspires .

  15. 在我国,由于受到传统行政理论的影响,我国行政法学理论界一直对行政复议调解制度持否定态度,这种否定也体现在了行政立法中。

    However , due to the influence of the traditional administrative right concept , in the theoretical field of administrative law of our country , there are still people who oppose to carry out intermediation in administrative reconsideration . The opposition is also reflected in the administrative legislation .

  16. 《行政复议法实施条例》和一些地方政府规章共同规范行政复议调解制度,规定了调解的适用范围、遵循原则、合法性审查、调解书的法律效力和执行等,这些规定仍有不足。

    The mediation system on administrative review is stipulated in the regulation on the Implementation of the Administrative Reconsideration Law and some local government rules . The regulations provide the range of application , the principles , legality and legal force of mediation document , which are still inadequate .