
  1. 行政应急性原则的理论与实践价值

    Theoretical and Practical Value of the Principle of Administrative Emergency

  2. 二是行政应急权力的具体内容。

    The second is detailed contents of government emergency power .

  3. 对行政应急性原则研究的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of Research on Principle of Administrative Emergency

  4. 行政应急性原则在药品监管实践中的运用和思考

    Application of the emergency principle in drug supervision and administration

  5. 行政应急过程中的责任具有多元性。

    The plurality of duty is revealed in the administrative emergency handling process .

  6. 行政应急管理体制的内涵辨析

    On the Connotation of Administrative Contingency Management System

  7. 行政应急行为研究

    Research on Administrative Emergency Behavior

  8. 以及对行政应急状态下的政府信息公开的域外考察。

    And the state of emergency on the administration of open government information under the Foreign Investigation .

  9. 但总的来说,我国在行政应急管理体制方面尚未形成一个全面系统的制度性框架。

    Overall , we have not yet formed a comprehensive institutional framework in the administrative emergency management system .

  10. 行政应急责任体系化研究&以突发公共卫生事件应急为例

    A Study on the Systematization of Administrative Emergency Duty & A Case in Point of Emergent Public Health Event

  11. 方法对行政应急性原则在药品监管实践中的运用以及存在的一些问题进行具体分析。

    METHODS We analyzed the application for the administration emergency principle in drug supervision and administration and some related problems .

  12. 国外尤其是美国、日本等西方发达国家,不仅注重在理论上对于现代行政应急机制进行研究,而且在历次危机处理中也积累了相当丰富的实践经验。

    They pay more attention to the study in theory of the mechanism and accumulate practice experiences in managing crisis .

  13. 其中行政应急性权力无限扩张对私权利的影响尤为引人关注。

    Of these , the influence of the private rights because of the unlimited expansion of the emergency power is of particular concern .

  14. 为应对各种突发公共事件,许多国家建立了比较完备的行政应急管理体制,这些国家的应急管理模式在国际社会均处于领先地位,许多方面值得我们学习和借鉴。

    Emergency management in these countries are in a leading position in the international community , and we can learn many ways we from them .

  15. 必须注意将行政应急原则列入我国行政法的基本原则体系,发挥其应有的理论指导作用。

    For a long period , we must put the Principle of administration emergency into the system of administration legality and pays its guiding part .

  16. 行政应急性权力是行政机关应对突发公共卫生事件的有力武器,但同时也是一种容易被滥用的权力。

    For the executive , Emergency power is a powerful weapon responding to public health emergencies , but is also a kind of vulnerable abusive power .

  17. 其中,加强和完善应对突发事件的行政应急程序在保障公民权利,控制行政应急权力和弥补现行立法空白方面有极其重要的意义。

    It is very important for establishing and improving administrative emergent procedure to ensure citizen rights , control administrative emergency authority and fill the gap in present legislation .

  18. 重点分成三个部分,探讨以下内容:第一部分对行政应急状态中的政府信息公开制度进行阐释。

    Focus is divided into three parts , of the following : The first part of the administrative state of emergency in the interpretation of government information disclosure system .

  19. 首先,更新基本原则。树立环境风险预防原则、行政应急性原则和政府主导下的公众参与原则。其次,从制度构建着手。

    Firstly , update the basic principals and establish the principals of " environmental risk prevention ", " administration emergency ", and " public participation directed by the government " .

  20. 行政应急机制建立的依据之一是国民利益高于一切;依据之二是法治最高目标的宿求。

    Administrative response mechanism is established first of all in accordance with national interests above everything else ; and secondly on the objectives of the rule of law of the highest demand .

  21. 本课题结合突发公共卫生事件的实际情况,对行政应急性权力相关问题进行具体深入的探讨,保证其得到合法正确的使用。

    The research combined the practical condition of public health emergencies , discusses deeply and specifically on the related problems of administration emergency power , to assure its legal and correct use .

  22. 结论药品监管部门必须建立和完善应急预案,在突发事件中,正确根据行政应急性原则采取应急措施,以保证社会稳定和人民健康。

    CONCLUSIONS Drug supervision and administration department should set up emergency mechanism in advance , and take the urgency actions by the administration emergency principle to ensure the social stabilization and people 's health .

  23. 为了有效控制突发公共卫生事件,我国制定了一系列法律法规,行政应急性权力得到了非常充分的体现,但同时也存在着诸多问题。

    In order to control public health emergencies effectively , China formulated a series of laws and regulations , the emergency powers get a very full embodiment , but there are also many problems .

  24. 因为自然灾害政府救助大多时候是和行政应急权力联系在一起的,因此这一部分在行政应急权力的语境下讨论自然灾害政府救助的有限性。

    Because most of the time of natural disasters , government assistance and executive emergency powers are linked , so this chapter discusses natural disasters government assistance in the context of executive emergency powers .

  25. 就目的而言,应急处理措施主要包括控制型与恢复型两类,具体表现为行政应急救助、强制、规制、征用、指导和协助等。

    As far as purpose concerned , emergency treating measures mainly include two categories : controlled and restored , and embody them in Administrative emergency rescue , compulsion , regulation , confiscation , direction and assistance , etc.

  26. 在研究方法上采用了查阅资料、比较分析、系统分析等,最后提出了一系列完善我国行政应急管理法律体系建设对策和建议,并进行了可行性分析。

    In the research method , it used to turn to a dictionary , comparative analysis and system analysis , etc. Finally , put out the law and system suggestion suitable to a series of the emergency management in China and analysised the feasibility .

  27. 目的:以哈尔滨市卫生局为切入点调查黑龙江省卫生行政机构应急保障能力现状,并分析其影响因素。

    Objective : to evaluate the capacity of the Health Administration Logistic System in Heilongjiang province through surveying public health bureau and analysis the influencing factors .

  28. 当前,要着重解决公共卫生事件应急法制保障问题,包括公共卫生应急法制政策倾向、政府间转移支付的模式选择、行政主管部门应急协调和法律移植的应急可行性等。

    Currently , we should solve legal insurance problem of public hygiene incident treating emphatically , including legal policy trend of public hygiene emergency treating , model choice of intergovernmental transfer payment , emergency treating correspondence of administrative department in charge and emergency treating feasibility .

  29. 在安全管理方面有一套技术与行政管理系统、应急运行系统及规程规范;核安全监督、评估系统。

    While in the safety management , there are a set of technological and administrative management system , emergency operation system and regulations and standards , nuclear safety supervision and estimation system .

  30. 通过立法整合各种相互冲突的法律价值,来确保来自常规行政的预防以及来自紧急行政的应急处理的理性化;

    By legislating to conform all kinds of conflicting law values , in order to ensure routine administrative precaution and rationalization of administrative emergency treating .