
  • 网络Standard comparison method;comparison method with standard
  1. 对标准比较法和配对比较法这两种容貌美学评判方法的有效性也进行了比较。

    It also compared the effectiveness of two ranking methods for assessing facial attractiveness , one discrete and one dynamic .

  2. 结果一系列非参数检验证实数字变形模型的有效性,且配对比较法优于普通的标准比较法。

    A series of non parametric tests validated the digitized distortion model and indicated that the Paired Comparison Method was superior to the Standard Comparison Method .

  3. 利用单个标准样品比较法质子弹性散射分析(PESA)对一组采集在核孔膜上的气溶胶样品的氢含量进行定量分析。

    Proton elastic scattering analysis ( PESA ) method was employed to measure H concentrations of aerosol samples on nuclear track filter .

  4. 采用标准表比较法对样机进行了标定试验,结果表明在0.4m/s以上的流速只需单直线线性校正,精度即可达1%。

    The actual fluid experiment shows that when the velocity of flow is higher than 0.4 m / s and linearity correction is used , the precision is 1 % .

  5. 标准差比较法在筛选耐盐变异体中的应用初探

    Application of the Method for Comparing Standard Deviation to the Selection of Salt-Tolerant Variant

  6. 本文第二部分是关于两大法系证明标准的比较法考察。

    Part two is about compared study on standard of proof in continental law system and Anglo-American law system .

  7. 本文通过古典估算法、新古典估算法、标准结构比较法对中国现阶段农业剩余劳动力进行了重新估算和比较分析。

    The authors of this paper re-estimate , compare and analyze China 's current surplus agricultural labor by means of the classical estimation method , the neo-classical estimation method and standard structural comparison .

  8. 根据标准品种比较法中多重线性回归方程通径系数的大小顺序,确定耐盐指标的选择顺序为:相对含水量、叶绿素含量、脯氨酸含量、相对电导率、丙二醛含量。

    According to coefficient order of Multi-Linear Regression with comparing method of standard variety , the index order on selecting ability of salt-tolerance are relative water content , chlorophyll , dissociative praline content , relative conductance rate and MAD content .

  9. 对GB601-88酸碱标准溶液标定比较法的讨论

    Discussion on the standardization and comparison method to analyze standard acid solution and basic solution in GB 601-88

  10. 在实验中,设计了用于连接标准接口和天线输入口的阻抗变换器,对阵列天线辐射特性的测量采用了标准线极化天线比较法。

    During experiment researches , an impedance converter is designed to connect the standard port with the antenna input port , and the method of comparing with standard linear polarized antenna is used to measure array antenna circular polarized gain .